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Transition errors


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This may be an old topic for some, but I have this happen frequently. When I synch my music to the slide transition, the slides sometimes "double" or repeat before the transition occurs. It is occasional, not every slide but I would like for there to be a clean transition from one to the next. Anyone have the same problem?

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The usual cause of that it is the transitions are too close. Are you leaving about a half second between transition ending and the next one starting ?

Another problem can be that the image files are very large, optimally they should be 200-300kb, but some people use larger ones on more powerful computers.

The third issue is that if you are reading the show off a CD rather than a hard-drive, the CD and CPU might not talk fast enough.

Do any of those help ?

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I don't know if this applies to your case or not, but I discovered recently that if you are not using the timeline to synchronize the show, and you have no transitions showing on the timeline, but you check "Project Options / Synchronize slideshow to music duration", the show will follow the Project Options and Customize Slide parameters OK, but some of the slides may repeat several times, and others may be skipped over. In other words, if you are not intending to synchronize the show using the timeline, then you shouldn't check "Synchronize slideshow to music duration".

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