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Shear Frustration

Out of shear frustration I am writing to this forum to say how disappointed I am with Pictures to Exe.

It used to be a pleasure to use this software. I have upgraded to the latest copy and I have had nothing but problems. Things that used to work no longer work and I have wasted so much time trying to create a simple slide show with a musical background.

I have recommended this software so many times and now, well disappointment rules.

I cannot preview the presentation when I add a piece of music. The ico symbols that I create no longer show correctly. The presentation doubles up on changes that I have not selected.

I have deleted the presentation so many times and started from zero I am now ready to give up on this software.

Wilf James.

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If you were satisfied till this version, then why not download previous version and use it to your satisfaction ? I have many programs on my HD and most of them are not most updated version since personally I don't like to change something that works good for me.

It maybe also that something went wrong on installation so try to uninstall and install again.

And last, when any program, not only PTE, works fine on hundreds or thousands of computeres but makes problems on a specific computer, it is usually something on that specific computer that is "wrong" or not updated, like old drivers, old sound card and so on. New versions are usually most updated and it happens that people who don't update their critical files meet such problems.

Take it easy, I am sure some experts in this forum will find the cause of your problem and will help you fix it.


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You are absolutely right.

Just needed to vent some frusration. Hope you all understand, as I do, that once I calm down I will get the problem sorted out. I know it is not the software :rolleyes: but what else can I say when the world is falling about my head. OK slight exageration.

Something like this normally happens when I need it now - and that is the case.

Wilf :D

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Sounds as though one of your issues might be PTE unexpectedly adding transition points for new slides.

If that is one of the issues, got to TIMELINE>VIEW and click off "auto adding of new transition points for new slides"

Others have reported this on the forum that this "hidden" action have created problems for them.

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