Flying Scotsman Posted July 25, 2005 Report Posted July 25, 2005 I am a new member, and when comparing `Pictures` to SmoothShow I noticed there was some pixellation in `Pictures` wheras with the same picture, there was none with SmoothShow. Is there a way of reducing pixellation or is Winsoft working on it? I do a lot of railway pictures and the pixellation is noticeable with thin features such as power lines. Camera is Nikon D70 used on Fine and Large settings.Becsue of this I would have gone for SmoothShow, but it is not so user-friendly, and the dissolves are erratic to say the least. So `Pictures` won.Any comments anyone? Quote
Ken Cox Posted July 25, 2005 Report Posted July 25, 2005 Flying Scotsmanseewww.scantips.com i first started to scan i found that if i scanned an 8x10 pict at 300dpi,as a tif, gave it a 1 or 2 sharpen then resized the picture to 1024 / 768 and saved it as a jpg. the jaggies were minimized when my picts/show were on a dvd for tvalso see latest cloud data are compiled by Hari Nair from GOES, METEOSAT, and GMS satellite imagery. The thumbnail on the left gives an idea of the format. The image is resampled to a higher resolution to minimize the pixelation on the Planetary close-ups.ken Quote
Conflow Posted July 25, 2005 Report Posted July 25, 2005 Hi Ken,Many thanks for those tips on 'Scanning' ~ I also had the same problems with certain images which I put down to 'Size Ratios' which are tricky to manipulate. Adjusting the 'size ratios' cured some problems, but I gave up because it was a pain in the butt ~ thanks again.Brian.Conflow. Quote
Ken Cox Posted July 25, 2005 Report Posted July 25, 2005 i could not find this page in my original post -- it is the one that set me straight if people that have digital cameras -- can we not use Wayne"s idea - ie take large pictures and let p2e resize them and thus get optimum results?we should think outside the monitor and plan for putting the show on dvd/tvpeople have their monitors set for their liking, but as a rule they do not generally adjust their tv set ( until it gets old) ken Quote
JRR Posted July 26, 2005 Report Posted July 26, 2005 Flying Scotsman:I have experienced some "pixelation" with PTE in my early days with it, but I have not had any since I started being so concerned with the image file sizes. I use 1024x768 generally these days, but no longer make them as small a file size as reasonably I can. I used to think under 100kb was best. I used to save everything at quality 5 jpg regardless.Now I tend to judge the sizing on an somewhat on an image quality/characteristic basis and use 300kb as the guideline max (but break it willingly). For images that are not dense (colour in evening skies, smoke from fireworks are two examples) I make sure they stay over 300kb.I have had no problems projecting the AV shows on large screens since switching to these guidelines Quote
ronwil Posted July 26, 2005 Report Posted July 26, 2005 Thanks Jim. That was very useful advice. I have just experimented with the rigging of HMS Victory ending up with a 367Kb image in PTE with excellent results.Ron [uK] Quote
Flying Scotsman Posted July 31, 2005 Author Report Posted July 31, 2005 From Flying Scotsman.Thanks for comments so far. I`m using Jpeg files at 2.0Mb minimum from my Nikon D70 and have tried adjusting the image size in "object editor" to all sizes and regardless of the size selected it doesn`t make any difference. Am I doing something wrong? Also, I notice I can only run my show using the "preview" button. Is this right or is there a "run show" button which, for the life of me, I can`t find.Regards to all who have offered ideas so far. Quote
ronwil Posted July 31, 2005 Report Posted July 31, 2005 2 Mb for an image in PTE is massive and I suggest you edit it down in Photoshop or Irfanview or whatever programme you are using. I have never used the Object Editor for this purpose.As regards presentation in PTE you go to "File>Create Slideshow as" and follow on from there. This will give you a *.exe file. Go to the folder where you have saved it, click or double click (whatever your settings) on the icon and it should play.Good LuckRon [uK] Quote
Flying Scotsman Posted August 8, 2005 Author Report Posted August 8, 2005 From Flying Scotsman - re pixellation - the saga continues........With much experimentation and the clues from contributors to this forum, I am on to one cure of the pixellation problem, which was really quite serious. So here is what I`ve found and I hope this will be of help to other members who may encounter the same problem.As someone suggested, the picture file sizes created by the Nikon D70 are too large (2.5Mb+). I have tried reducing the resolution and hence the picture file size by using Photoshop and reducing from 2.5Mb+ to around 1.0Mb improves the pixellation and is now acceptable when projected, but it is still short of the standard of SmoothShow.Question is, does Picturestoexe have a hidden feature for doing what I had to do with Photoshop?THE BIG BUT: When experimenting, I tried loading the Nikon picture without the “Adobe treatment” in the “object editor” and when I did so, setting the resolution to 2048x1536, I got the full picture which was absolutely perfect!!! No pixellation whatsoever. This seems to be the real answer, but, when selecting OK, it causes only part of the picture to show when running the project. Then further experimentation revealed that if I when loaded a reduced file sized picture (done by Adobe – see above) into the object editor, more of the picture appeared on the show – but although the pixellation was solved, the picture was not as sharp – seems there`s no such thing as a free lunch after all! But, I`ll now try a 1 or 2 sharpen as someone has suggested.I noticed in the object editor that there is a percentage reading in the menu bar over which there seems to be no control – or is there?Meanwhile, thanks to everyone who has so far contributed. All very helpful. Quote
Ken Cox Posted August 8, 2005 Report Posted August 8, 2005 Quote THE BIG BUT: When experimenting, I tried loading the Nikon picture without the “Adobe treatment” in the “object editor” and when I did so, setting the resolution to 2048x1536, I got the full picture which was absolutely perfect!!! No pixellation whatsoever. This seems to be the real answer, but, when selecting OK, it causes only part of the picture to show when running the project. at this point project options/screenset screen size at 90 to 95 % and see what your show looks likeken Quote
stonemason Posted August 8, 2005 Report Posted August 8, 2005 When I create a slideshow in PTE I do all the arranging of show using copies of the original files from my D70 about 2.5mb each (preview always runs fine using these). When I am happy with the show, I create a sub folder called exe pics into which I copy all the show pictures and resize them to 1024 X 768. I then create another sub folder called video pics, and again copy all the the show pictures into this at their original 2.5mb size. If I want to create an exe show I copy the exe folder pictures into the slideshow folder, or if I want the best quality for video I use the pictures from the video folder. Because the pictures have the same names the .pte file works fine in both cases. For video I output to TMPGEec and get good quality flicker free slide shows for my 28inch widescreen TV. I also do as Ken suggests and reduce the screen size to 95% for video, and find that this shows all the picture on the TV. Hope this is of some help.stonemason Quote
Ken Cox Posted August 8, 2005 Report Posted August 8, 2005 I have been experimenting with digital pictures belonging to my daughters and friends -- i do not touch them other than rotate as necessary - and when i do a save as i save at 100% quality so theoriginal picture size stays the these picts are anywhere from 1 mb to 2.5 mb each and by the time i put mp3's in the exe's will be 250 to 300 mbwhen i first started doing this with other people's digital picts i did it to see if my system could do it -- it can so i continue to do them that way to save time with all the resizing.shows are then converted to avi/mpg -- i do the mpg step to get the show on to a cd so i can proof it asap on the tv -- even I can miss a bad pict then when i am satisfied i burn to dvdthey show fine on widescreen tv -- we have played with the 2 different settings on tv 4/3 and widescreen -- 4/3 is best but widescreen setting is not objectionableken Quote
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