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registration trouble

Trudy Holtz

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I received the p2e registration in a zipped attachment folder. When I open the folder and try to extract the file I get the following message. "Windows has blocked this file to help protect your computer" Windows blocks files that are marked as not trusted.

I've tried to save it from the zip file to another location and it will not allow me to do that either and I've tried to go under properties of the file to unlock it and since it has not been extracted I can't get to it to save it.

Can anyone help with this?

Thank you!


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Hi Trudy,

Welcome to the Forum ~

Firstly,can you let us know what 'Win Operating System' are you using ?

Secondly,your comment about Windows not trusting certain files... is not true ~ In fact Windows (under certain circumstances) will "block" anything unknown to it, even legitimate Programs ~ So lets get the facts first, whats the OP.System ?


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as well as Brian's advice



to help you


if you are using outlook express

you will have to uncheck a box to allow attachments

if you send me your address i will send you a screen shot of the box to uncheck

also you may have to disable something in your anti virus program so also include it

also try to copy and paste the zip file to the desktop and try opening it there -- do not try opening from your mail program

and lastly -- have you ever experienced this before with zip files


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