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multiple audio tracks - one show


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hi all :)

sorry for the newbie question here, i tried searching for an answer but did not really succeed. please point me to the right thread if this has been answered before.

i would like to play a slide show to multiple sound tracks, fading out of one and into another on specific slides (black ones i will insert)

is there any way to do this? i am pretty sure there is, i seem to recall having seen a numbe rof shows with multiple soundtracks.

thanks for your help and patience with a newbie


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If you want them to fade nice and smoothly, then you should pre-mix them in sound editing software before putting them into PTE. You can put multiple separate tracks into PTE but they won't necessarily fade nicely at the "joints".

For sound software, see Guido's excellent PTE tips site click here

You can synch the slides to the music using the TIMELINE function. Just add the music through PROJECT OPTIONS>MUSIC and click custom sunch on PROJECT OPTIONS>MAIN

Hope that helps

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