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I have a problem with my hard drive that is confusing me.

When I attempt to open one particular file I get an error message that says 'Disk not formatted' This is clearly wrong because I have all my images on this drive with some 55 separate folders - all of these folders open without any problems except this particular one. I decided to delete the offending folder and creat a new one into which I intended replacing the lost images (from a back-up).

However, the computer just cannot identify the folder and it just freezes whenever I attempt to delete using explorer. Headscratching or what?

Anyone know what I can do?

Ron West



have you ran check disk(scandisk) with the box checked to check surface and repair


have you tried a safe mode start to remove the folder

when was the last time you were able to open the folder



Hi Ron,

Ooopps ! ~ Hold on there Ron before you do anything 'mad' ~

Go to the Folder---> RH.Click on it---> When the Window opens--->Select Properties. Now go down the data and see if 'Read Only' is 'ticked', if so remove the tick. Also hit the 'Advanced Button' and see if..'Find by Index' is ticked...if not tick it.

Finally see what size the Folder actually is ?...It's the 1st page of the Properties Window(s) If its 'Zero Kilobtbytes'...the Folder simply doesn't exist but the 'Read Only' attribute may be switched on consequently the PC is trying to read infinity,which it can't do, and then Freezes (thats not a crash)...Its a very common oversight.

Exit from the Properties Window ~

Now find the Folder again, this time RH.Click on it and this time select 'Delete' from drop-down Menu. That should work for you, provided you dont have a 'Read Only EXE' within the Folder ?



Ken, Good morning (or whatever it is with you) I have XP on my compcuter and have been unable to find the Scandisk program. I know it's hidden in there somewhere but I know not where. Can you guide me to the hiding place please.


Cornflow, I am going to carry out all of your instructions this morning and will confirm later if they have had any effect. Thanks for your help.




I did what you suggested and you were correct about the 'read only'. It was ticked so I removed the tick. When checking the size of the folder, you were right again! it showed 'zero kilobytes'. Finally, when I accessed the folder again, I selected 'delete' and it seems to be working OK but then I got the following message:-

Cannot delete: Data error (Cyclic redundancy check)

I have no idea what that means or how to get around it!




my computer/c drive/properties/tools/errorchecking


btw we are 5 hrs behind you -- where i live any ways

will email you a clock program if it is not too big

should be in your mailbox now

you will play all day with it :)


Hi Ron,

Concerning your problem:- Now the Folder is in a 'safe-mode' it can be worked on ~ So to recap, it wasn't a bad HD Sector ~ it's just a lost Folder which somehow got damaged and and it's contents were erased.

The message: Data Error(Cyclic Redundancy Check) means that because we reset the Folder to the correct 'Attributes' the PC is no longer going to waste it's time going around in circles trying to read comething thats not there ~ and then Freezing ~ Now its doing a finite 'cycling test' and quitting any further attempts to read it ~ So no 'Freezing'.

In fact whats happened is the 'File Index' has become corrupted ~ The PC now knows that, it also knows that the Folder is there, it knows its empty ~ but in your case because the 'Index' is corrupted it wont attempt a 'Delete' in case it deletes something with a similar Index.

Now its safe to run 'Scandisc' as Ken suggested ~ It will ask you what do you want to do with 'Lost File Fragments' choose delete ~ when done ~ make sure you switch off the PC and physically re-start it, do not use Re-Start.

Don't worry, it happens to a lot of 'PC Users' and there are many Hard-Drive's in the Bin due to the same problem.




My problem is sorted! Thanks for your very helpful advice, which I followed to the letter and now my offending folder has been deleted.

One point though, I did not manage to find or use 'scandisk' or 'chkdsk' on my computer. Ken Cox gave me a path to follow in Windows XP but I did not recognise this as the 'old scandisk' I remember from Win98 days. Is there a correct path that I should know about?




xp is a totally different breed of cat than your 98




I have used other windows OS' in the past and they all have a scan disk function. Where is it in XP? I have been using System Mechanic and when I do an optimized defrag, it tells me to use scan disk. HELP!!!:banghead:


defrag, scandisk, system restore and safe mode are very important utilities

i would suggest you "bone " up on them asap with the help of a competent pc tech -- get the check book out B)



Hi Ken,

I have waded through those links you sent to me and am now more confused than ever!

In simple terms, can you explain just what an XP user needs to do in order to check that his/her hard drives are OK. Do we in fact need to bother with Scandisk or Checkdisc at all, or shoule we rely on the program contained in Start/Prgrams/Accessories/SystemTools.


Checkdisc at all, or should we rely on the program contained in Start/Prgrams/Accessories/SystemTools

for defrag

my computer/c drive/properties/tools/errorchecking

for scandisk

defrag, scandisk, system restore and safe mode are very important utilities
would suggest you "bone " up on them asap with the help of a competent pc tech




Error Checking (was Scandisk) & Defrag on XP:

1) Dbl-click on the "My Computer" icon on the desk top

2) Where it now say's "Hard Disk Drives", right click on "Hard Disk ( C )"

3) From the drop-down menu select "Properties"

4) On the next box select "Tools"

You should now see options for Error Checking, Defrag and Backup

David (UK)



You might like to look at a 'New Topic' I have just posted,viz:-

Repair and Maintain your XP.PC


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