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in the slide list, example image1, with object editor, I would be able to modify directly the image1's position...

in the window object editor without any way.

It's very usefull for the small pictures.

It's possible for the next version 4.00 ?

It's possible for the future ?


Not sure I understand you, Michel. Do you mean having images appear in different positions on the screen as the slide show progresses, and be able to control this in the object editor? Sounds like an interesting feature.


This would be handy for doing pseudo animations. Of course, you could set this up ahead of time in Photoshop and achieve the same effect. But being able to do it in PTE would make adjustments easier to achieve the desired effect.

Is this the purpose for which you want to use it? Or do you have something else in mind?


Sorry, Michel, I'm not making myself clear.

I meant to say: do you want to use it for "pseudo-animations"?


OK, now I understand! I'm a little dense sometimes. :) If it helps, I'll add my vote for it too!

Doing animations this way would have one great advantage - you wouldn't have to use up a lot of file space with different images.

It's getting into the realm of video, but you could even extend the idea to having the program fill in intermediate images, sort of like the "tweening" process in "Flash", only in slower-motion, to preserve the smooth transitions.

  Michel said:
Normally, the position of the not inserted image is not modifiable.


Yes, if you are on a specific slide and go directly to Object Editor the picture is fixed and not modifiable. Try this:

1. Copy the slide & paste it back right into the Slide List ,

2. With the copied slide placed right above the original and now with the cursor on it or hilited, uncheck the Show Image block,

3. Click Object Editor & on the blank screen, use the Picture Icon to import the picture that is on the orignal slide and you will be able to drag & drop it anyhere.

I do this all the time to set up & position my sequencing. Hope this helps...Harvey :)


that , thanks Harvey, I know it and I already employed it in my slide shows.

But I insist for what I ask. I'm sure that it is possible and very useful.

The "door" will be so opened for other interesting possibilities.

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