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I’m probably not the best one to try and answer this but putting it simply.

You need to upload your file to your server, just as you have done with any pictures that are on your web page. Some servers don’t like exe files so it is probably best to zip the file first.

Then you place a link on you web page to the file. When someone clicks on it a download box will appear and away they go.


Hi Steve,

Well you do make some sense, my problem is the pts doesnt have a www or http link how do I load it????? I want the whole slide show not just pic by pic... Sorry but this is new to me.

Also I am starting a new presentation and these pictures are in my picture folder, when I bring in a picture to the slide sow it shows up but how do I add it to make a slide show...or is there someplace I can go and read.? Don't mean to be a pest :-)


You must create a file .exe (look at the menu in PTE). Your file .exe contains all. After you can upload it to a server the file .exe (in a file .zip).

Some members would explain all that exactly: it's easy.

First, please, try to create a slideshow with 4 or 5 pictures.


Thank you Michel but this one has quite a few pictures I needed to make it as such due to a cat show I was at and it has to be posted to the web, but those pictures all came from a CD how do I start a new slide show with pictures from my hard drive??


No you understood me ok :-)....the CD I mentioned, well I already did just that took teh pictures off and they went on my hard drive. Now I am faced with HOW to get it in a format so the web page (which is Angelfire) will accept it. It usually only accepts http://www code , I need to be able to put in a format such as http:///angelfire.com/mcct2005a.html (the mcct2005a is the name of the project I did. Can that be done???


You cannot read a show directly in a webpage.

First you must use a FTP software to upload your file to the server.

If your adress is:


you create a subdirectory named (example) shows.

You upload the file (.exe or .zip) in this subdirectory.

And you call the file (to download) with:

http://mydomain.com/shows/myfile.exe (or myfile.zip)



No you understood me ok :-)....the CD I mentioned, well I already did just that took teh pictures off and they went on my hard drive. Now I am faced with HOW to get it in a format so the web page (which is Angelfire) will accept it. It usually only accepts http://www code , I need to be able to put in a format such as http:///angelfire.com/mcct2005a.html (the mcct2005a is the name of the project I did. Can that be done???


Let me check out some of the links you guys sent me , I appreciate it, I quess I am having a hard time getting the slide show into a folder onn tme websote, it's been upoaded BUT thats as far as it goes, angelfire wont recognize,t....Oh I hope I can get it :-(

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