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CD problem


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I'm running a PC with XPpro2.

I've struck a problem that, when a previous project included pictures from a CD, the next time P2E is run, it demands a CD in the drive. The screen then gives three options - "Cancel/Retry/Continue", but they all refuse to work! I found that if you didn't insert a CD, even Alt+Ctl+Del was absolutely impotent. Only hitting the PC reset button has any effect.

If one DOES insert a CD - and obviously the one "wanted" can't be found, P2E then proceeds to give a long list of pix it cannot "find". Surprise!

This sort of behaviour harks back to the "bad old days" of MS computing! Its as bad as the time of DOS when "Abort, Retry, Cancel" similarly never worked. And Word used to complain bitterly and play up rotten, if the last file used was on a floppy, and you haven't got one to hand to appease it! Talk about giving a baby a dummy to suck.....

Please, can something be done to fix/stop this "hiccup"?

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I assume that what you had on the cd was your project images, sound file and .pte file? These are what you need to develop a show.

But- the aim of the exercise is to produce a self-contained .exe file (hence the name of the program!)

When you've got the show as you want it, you produce the .exe file by choosing File Create slideshow as.

This is then the only thing needed for the show (but it's good practice to keep the other stuff for if/when you want to edit it).

As some cd readers are a bit slow, it's often better to copy the .exe file to the desktop from any cd on which it's stored.

I hope this sorts out your problem.

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No, the only files on the CD were the pictures - everything else was on the hard drive. The difficulty is that I wasn't wanting to work on that project, but to make a new one, but P2E wouldn't let me!

It seems to assume that one is only working on one particular project, and doesn't open at a blank page ready for you to choose "new" i.e. start on a new file/project or "open" i.e. open an existing one, which is the standard opening procedure for Windows programmes, where you choose what you want to do AFTER starting the programme.

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did you try copying all the pictures from the cd to a folder on your hard drive -- then try starting the program fresh

direct it to the "new" folder then file/new and select all the picts and add all

and then do a save as create as under a new name

then shut it all down then start p2e again and try to open "new name"


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Many of us would like to help you ~ but speaking personally I am confused about what you are trying to do ??


Are you trying to 'import' Pictures from a CD-Disc 'into' the PTE Program so you can make a Slideshow ?


Or are you trying to 'extract' Pictures from a 'CD-Disc Slideshow' so you can re-make a New Slideshow ?

If you would simply explain what you are trying to do ~ then we could sort out any problem you have.


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QUOTE....I've struck a problem that, when a previous project included pictures from a CD, the next time P2E is run, it demands a CD in the drive.........


I have re-read your post (again) in detail and I see your probem, and in answer as follows:-

PTE like other (dynamic) Windows Programs is essentially a 'Database Program' the analogy being like Excel or Powerpoint etc......

The PTE Program DOES NOT STORE DATA (images or otherwise), excepting that you had made a 'Image Template' or a 'PTE Slideshow Exe' in the first instance.....In all other circumstances it is looking for your 'Data Folder' either as a HD.Folder or as CD-Folder.

You said that you had 'Lost the CD'.

So in fact you have lost your 'Data Folder' and had not made a 'Back-Up' either by way of a Template nor an Exe nor a HD.Folder.

In that case, like all (dynamic) Data Programs how do you expect it to work when it has pre-made a 'Data Index File' pointing to those CD-Images which are lost. This has nothing to do with 'bad old Dos' nor Window nor the PTE Program.

I'm afraid it's back to the drawing board ~ or else find that CD !


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Hi speedy2

In regards to your first post:

I've struck a problem that, when a previous project included pictures from a CD, the next time P2E is run, it demands a CD in the drive

When you create a .PTE ( working ) file and save it to your hard drive using images on a CD drive, and wish to work on it again it will require the original CD image disk. Also if you clicked " Save " when you first created it loads your last project requiring CD images

The screen then gives three options - "Cancel/Retry/Continue", but they all refuse to work! I found that if you didn't insert a CD, even Alt+Ctl+Del was absolutely impotent.

Yes your right the " Cancel " does not work, the " Retry / Continue " should work if, as the message reads " There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk in drive " It waits for you to insert your image disk ".

There is no need to reboot your system, if you had clicked on the close (X) top right corner you would have got a " End Program " pop up screen and could have clicked " EXIT "

Start up Picture to EXE again should give you a blank page were you can choose " File " New - project

It is highly recommended to create a working folder on your hard dive - copy all images to it and work from this folder.

In regards to your second post:

Sorry, I am a bit confused.

Each time you start up Picture to Exe - is it trying to load the show from your original post, ( one using CD images ? )

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Yes, Barry, what you describe is how PTE behaves on this PC. I made a test show of files on a CD and save the project file. If I then start PTE without the CD, the (2-part) pop-up box says it can't find the files. I click "OK", and the box closes with no error message. I can then go to File/New or File/Open recent project, or anything else and all work fine.

I don't know why Speedy2 is getting different results or whether somehow the communication here is not clear. Hopefully, Speedy2 can see if there is something he is doing different than what I just tested. If he is doing the exact same thing, maybe Igor can determine why he can't get back into PTE to make even a New show.

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