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Take a look at Birds of Petrie Island on Beechbrook on page two


Is that what you had in mind?

There are controls built into the show. Pause/Break will pause it for you, plus you can back it and go forward with the arrow keys. That enables a discussion of the brds if you want.

You could also do it via objects and have person guess bird's name, then click on the object for the bird's call.



I see you are a real bird-watcher. Yes, you have the things I need. The program will allow keeping text, photos, sounds and videos of birds (and other animals). What I need is to put few samples, three birds images with a text about each, a sound of each and one video showing one bird (up to 1 MB but the smaller the better). If you want to see before what is all about I can send you what I did till now.


Nath's web site looks very good and professionally done.

It is really recommended to all birds lovers.


Thanks for the info. There are a lot of animals photos. Did you say there are photos from China ? I could not find the link and I would love to see it.

Thank you all


Did you say there are photos from China


no...only the slideshows. For the birds: Norway and Scotland - Animals: France also. And Claude wait sometimes many hours to can photograph what he want.



quite some time back Andrew Busst started a thread re recording outdoor sounds

in the discussion many sites were brought up including the following

i will put Scott Connop's first as he used to work for me:)





Rob TYmstra is also from my former place of work and a friend




Thank you Ken. I will check them all.

I think I was not very clear about what I need. The program I am working on is for bird-watchers to put their own birds pictures, sounds etc. What I want is to put some samples so users will understand how it works. Since I do not want to use stuff without permission I need these original files:

4-5 photos of birds.

Short description about each bird.

Sound of each bird.

One short video of bird/s

And of course a permission to use those files.

Thank you


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