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I've been looking for a while for a really top rate program to create slide shows with background music, transitions, etc and, on the recommenadtion of a couple of friends, have downloaded an evaluation copy of PTE. So far I have found it very good at putting together the slides themselves but i am struggling when it comes to incorporating background music. i haven't found any tutorial on the subject so if someone can tell me where to look i would appreciate that. My difficulty is that if i create a slidewhow of 30 minutes in which i want to include sevaral music tracks whose combined length eceeds that running time, how do I reduce the length of each track? It would be so much easier if this could be done using the timeline but I don't seem able to do that. Any advice on what i need to do will be very much appreciated.

Gordon Cochrane



Many thanks for your prompt response. I have already downloaded each of the tutorials you refer to in your link. They are helpful but what they don't explian is how to tailor the length of a music clip to a specific number of slides. Say, for example, that at the end of slide 6 I want to change to music track 2 but music track 1 overruns, how do I trim track 1 so that it ends at the end of slide 6 and music track 2 begins? I have tried doing it by switching off music sync and inputting a music track on slide 1 and music track to on slide 7 using Custom Slide. This seems to work but it is a straight cut from track 1 to track 2, there is no fading out and in. So i don't know if I am on the right lines or not. Any ideas will be welcomed.



You have to use another programme such as "AUDACITY" (free download) to edit your music track and, preferably, make one single track compiled from any number of other tracks with audio fades and other transitions. Best results are obtained by starting with WAV files and when all your editing is done export as mp3.



Wow, was I surprised when I logged on this morning to find that there had been 5 replies to my problem. I am most grateful to -

Dave for his comments and I have downloaded Audacity and will try it out.

Guido for referring me to his website which I found most helpful. I will follow through at a more leisurly pace.

Barry for referring me to the video turtorials. I have ordered one.

I'm so impressed with the help I have had in the few days that I have been evaluating PTE that I have decided to register as a fully paid up memebr and look forward to becoming part of the family and getting full enjoyment out of working with PTE as it, andI, develop.

Many thanks again to all of you.

Gordon Cochrane

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