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Did anyone ever experience this? The timeline shows music and slides will end at the same time, but in preview running the slides outrun music by more than 30 seconds.....What's going on?


If you have many transitions very close together the slides could get behind the music and then play catch-up. If this occurs at the end of the music, there could be a loss of sync at the end of the show.


No the transitions are mostly 4 seconds apart, although the music is long (5:30) and slides are numerous (90).

And the strange thing is, the amount of miss-sync is not consistent -- when music ends, one time it could be at slide #73, another time it could be at slide #77.


A quick look at what you say 90 slides at 4 seconds apart that adds up to 6 minutes. 5'30" is not long for a show of 90 slides. 75 slides 4 seconds apart and Quick fade would require at least 5 minutes. I think you need to make some adjustments to your timing. Why not try Project Options>Main>Show settings and Check "Synchronise slideshow to music duration"?

Ron [uK]


What kind of music files - MIDI, mp3, or wave? How long are the transitions? Are you using the music synchronization option?

Are you using several music files, or just a single file 5.5 min long?

It sounds as though you may have some transitions close together. What happens if you remove these slides so that all are spaced further apart? Does this make the timing more consistent?

What are your pc specs (make, processor speed, RAM, HD space, etc.)? How large are the image files?


Most of my slides are 4 seconds but some have been shortened so the whole set of 90 slides fit into the 5:30 music.

The timeline does show that music and slides should end at the same time.

However, in real preview execution, slides out run music.

Music is mp3 format, some image files are very big, up to 2-3 mb each image; but my computer should be able to handle that without any problem.

I'm gonna do more test with a shoter version. I'll report back what I find.


2 to 3 mb is pretty large for an image in PTE. Unless you are playing the show back at much more than 1024 x 768 pixels in size, you should be able to get by with images in the order of half a meg or less. Try reducing the size to see what effect this has. And be sure you don't have any overlaps of the gray horizontal bars with other transitions on the timeline.


OK I did a series of test. Making slides end with music remains a problem.

I have 30 slides (of very small size), and a song for 3 minutes. The default length for each slide is 4 seconds, so total slide duration by default is 2 min.

I was unable to have it automatically synchronized to the duration of the music. The box for "synchronize slideshow to music duration" in Project Options was indeed checked, and in the Timeline box "Automatic Synchronization" was selected.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks.


Instead of "Automatic synchronisation" I suggest you check "Customise syynchronisation". Then on the drop down menu of Timed Points select "Add arranged points" and "OK" and see what happens. If you don't like it you can always cancel or not save.

Ron [uK]

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