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:huh: I have a bone scan Oct. 17 but this past wednesday I had a consultation with the surgeon and he was concerned that my past medical history concerning the bypass surgery I had four years ago could effect the surgery in the way of a possible heart attack during operation. But If I want the operation that is up to me. Well, I am just scared so now I have an appointment with a Raidoligist (sorry spelling) It appears that I can opt also for this which would mean a few months of almost every other day going to the hospital for radiology treatment.

To add insult to engery my wife and I evactuated with other residens of Port Arthur, Texas where hurricane Rita will possibly flood and do other damages. I hope my insurance will cover pesonable effects like my "Computer" Hmmmmmm perhaps I can get that P4 and all the whistles and bells after all.

We went to Arkansas and are staing with relatives. I am taking scores of beautiful digitals of this area which is very rural and coutry and very antiqueish. (spelling again) Well, aanyway be in prayer.




Sorry to hear about your evacuation problems but as far as the prostate goes.... I had advanced prostate cancer and chose radiation and seed implants. It involved 25 trips to the hospital (5 a week) for treatment and finished off with the implant proceedure. Harry, that was over 3 years ago and my PSA readings are still 0.00 :D It does get a bit boring running back and forth but in my case well worth the trips.

Hang in there Harry and there is one thing for sure.... you've got a lot of friends on this forum wishing you all the besy.



;) It is so boring just waiting and waiting to go home. But I may be hear for some time. I could possibly do my bone scan at the VA in Little Rock Arkansas. But I am keeping busy taking pictures and reading our forum!!



:D Some good news!! My daughter who is in Georgia in college said that her friends father is in our home area and will survey our home for damage. We did find out that most people who have trees, and we have two huge over 30 feet tall pecon trees, will have some wind damage. We will find out tonight.


:unsure: My brother is back in Port Arthur but I can't reach him for now even on his cell phone. My wife discovered that we can get our local news paper on the net. It said that MABY by friday we could come home. Gas and water will be restored but no electricy. It is like an oven in homes down there. Electricity could take up to six months. Harry

Thanks Harry for keeping us informed. Even in today's world of "instant" world-wide news, it is always useful to hear what is happening from someone actually involved - as opposed to reporters. But - when you do go back - you will have no time for PTE. :huh:


:angry: It may take up to 6 weeks before power is restored. I am not angry but just bored. My daughter is flying over to Little Rock, Arkansas for a visit from college. My brother managed to get into our community and discovered that my home seems to be unscathed from damaged but houses next to me and across the street are damaged. All I will have to do, my brother says, is cut tree limbs etc.


Good to keep hearing your news Harry.

You're in our thoughts & prayers.

Keep as relaxed and stressfree as you can.

Maybe playing with PTE and making a new sequence might help.

Take care, and safe journey home.

Best wishes



:blink: yes, it would be fun to do, produce a slide show, but I don't know if it is ok to download the program to another computer. I do have at least 90 digital pictures but no way to get them on this computer. My software is at home.

Tomorrow I have to call Houston VA to see if some emerency heart and blood pressdure medication can be sent to me here as I have only one week left. My last order was before the hurricane and it is probably at the post office. I understand that only I can pick it up but I will call and see what is the proceedure to do this.


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