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Having set my transition points on the time line, which are synchronised to music, I now want to insert another transition point but clicking the 'New Transition' button does not do anything. I can insert a slide but cannot put in another transition point, which is what I want to do. I have done this on earlier versions of PTE without any problem.

Searching this forum I see that there was discussion about this back in February but don't know how it was resolved and cannot see how I can do this using PTE 4.42. I have tried clicking the Timed Points button and then shifting all points to the right (which seems to be what people suggested in the past - though I don't understand why), but still cannot get the 'New Transition' button to operate.

I will be grateful if anyone can explain how I can put a new transition in without inserting a slide.

Thank you,



I'm not sure Eddie, if I understand. But - if you already have a transition going into each slide, there is no possibility for an additional transition unless you add an additional slide. :o



If you first uncheck "Auto adding of new transition points for new slides" in the "View" menu on the Timeline, when you add your slides to the slide list no transition points will be added to the timeline.

Then, when you finally go in to add transition points to the timeline, no new slides will be added to the slide list. You will be able to add transition points then until all the slides in the slide list have been "used up".


Would adding the same slide (in other words duplicating the slide) after the one you want another transition on, solve the problem? You could then put another transition in between the two identical slides.


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