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Outstanding ! :rolleyes:

Great images and music with nice breaks in it, one of the best p2e shows I have seen.

The only thing I did not like is that it at the end of the show, it changed a web page I was looking at to your website so I had to click back, minor snag but perhaps better to leave a user choice of clicking to visit the site.

One question I have is why the white borders around the screen? I find these a bit distracting, are they there to calibrate an lcd projector or something?



Whilst it is not a method I use as a general rule to put a frame or border round a horizontal or landscape image, which fills the screen. it is one which is used quite effectively by other users of PTE. Barry's use of a very subtle white line I find rather pleasing and very acceptable, particularly as the rest of his imagery is always a delight to behold. Personally, the only times that I use borders or frames in my presentations is when the image is an insert over another.

Ron [uK]


Perhaps Barry will answer for that.

When we look at this slideshow with a display 1280x1024, the border around permit to emphasize the picture on the background.

This border is very small and is in the way for me. But for a projector, it's another problem I think.


Well the fine white border showed me that my 800/600 screen was off centre a tad

great for adj the monitor.

almost forgot -- great scenes

thks Barry

ken B)



The "Ireland" presentation is no less than I've learned to expect from you...Near Perfection...nothing's perfect...although it's darned close. Could not make up my mind as to which was the better....the excellent photography...or the overall quality of the presentation.

I too felt that the thin white border was a bit of a distraction...so instead of an A++....I must give it an A+.

I attempted to post a reply to your post a bit sooner but the new forum software would not let me...hope this reply makes it.





Many thanks to Steve S, you found my weakness, spelling and with all these spell checks we have too. Anyway, I have corrected it thanks.

Lines around a picture.

I run my monitor at high resolution and find that a thin line suits my personal tastes. I see many slide shows set against a white background and while they may show great for those running 1024*768, for me I see light areas of their images bleeding off into the background spoiling an image. The same is true for black backgrounds and dark areas of the pictures. It sometime looks as though someone has taken a bite out of an image.

Now the obvious answer if a line is not required is to find a neutral background, or deal with the images sufficiently so they don't need either. I have used those options too.

Ron.....As I say above, not all of us fill the screen with a 1024*768 image.


I am not sure I understand what you are saying here.

When we look at this slideshow with a display 1280x1024, the border around permit to emphasize the picture on the background. This border is very small and is in the way for me. But for a projector, it's another problem I think.

The border is as small as I can make it, but to reduce the impact a grey colour can be used instead of white. The line is not a problem on my current Mitsubishi projector, but it used to be with my old Sony and the line on one side was cut off.

Ireland Music

I expected some comment about the snap music change to the short, but more foot tapping music and back again in this sequence. I liked the effect and almost did it a third time with the hand holding the rocks, but her indoors didn't like the foot tapping section at all..

Anyway, thanks for your comments, they are appreciated.

Roll on pan and zoom then


BTW.........I have just completed a DVD on PTE tips and tricks and the demo slide shows can be downloaded from HERE


:P Great show Barry - as I would expect from you.

I like the use of the white border - it helps to hold in the image and, for me at least, keeps the eye on the pictures. I find that with some shows without borders the image is often lost at the edges.

As for the foot tapping synched transitions - I thought they worked very well indeed.

The "images in the slate" were very nicely done but I'm not altogether convinced that the technique added anything to the overall structure of the show. But this is a very minor and nit-picking point. I enjoyed it a lot.


Hi Barry

Another outstanding Goodie from the House of Beckham.

Border or no Border. I think the jury is out on this one.

I was just stunned by the images and the way you used them to the music.

Great Stuff



Many thanks to Steve S, you found my weakness, spelling and with all these spell checks we have too. Anyway, I have corrected it thanks.

Hi Barry

I think you are going to have to redo it a third time m8, you’ve missed the a this time.<_<

Saying that, it doesn’t distract from the super quality of the show………nice one………again.


I added a letter and over typed another, how daft is that, all fixed now and a good lesson in saving the project file and keeping everything in one folder.


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