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Problems with "DVD Writer not available"


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Hi Folks,

This is my first post so apologies if this has cropped up already.

Using PTE 4.41 and Ulead moviefactory 4, I have come across a strange problem. I have successfully burned a couple of DVDVideo discs for viewing on TV but now, when I try, MF4 tells me the DVD writer is in use by something else (not to my knowledge it isn't). So I transferred everything to my laptop with a different burner on it, no problem. Then I after a couple of burns I strated to get the same problem.

I've tried turning it on and off again to no avail.

Has anyone else had this problem?

All help greatly appreciated.



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Thanks for your responses Michel and Ken.

I have no TV card or anything like that. This afternoon I burned one DVD but had made a mistake (I am a wedding photog wanting to make DVD slideshows for couples) so altered it and went to burn another and it wouldn't have it. Same with the main PC a couple of weeks ago.

I will try ctrl alt del to bring up the task manager and go through the processes.

Nero worked fine but is so sloooow compared with MF4 - also the DVD video produced by MF4 seems to look better imho. (is that just my imagination?)

Why can Nero do it when MF4 can't?:angry:

Thanks again


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i have 3 main dvd programs,

nero 6.6 suite,most user friendly and can burn multiple disks once the first is compiled and burned -- real fast if you set it up to go to cache and not disk at once

WinDvd that came with my ASUS MOB -- NEXT USER FRIENDLY - it has a place in my collection of utilities - is slow compared to nero and does not burn multiples but has some neat fades if you had multiple shows going on disk-- i have never tried all the features

roxio 7 suite i bought it because i was familiar with the old interface - is least user friendly of the 3 so only use certain features -- i installed the full suite so it is the default iso file burner if i get an iso to copy to a working disk -- and it has the drag and drop feature installed so that when i installed nero the nero drag and drop was blocked by nero -- a big no no in the old days to have 2 drag and drop programs -- have heard many horror stories

i have several other utilities on board but use them for specific file conversion etc

i see no difference in the quality of shows

i sub to a group


and there is a lot of info being discussed re dvd's now -- it was initially for cd problems but dvd problems are now being discussed

wish you well


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Guest Techman1


Welcome to the forum. I usually run Ulead's MovieFactory and create a disk image first. I don't burn it to the DVD from Ulead, but simply let it create the DVD image. Then, I use Nero to burn the ISO image onto DVD. This has eliminated all of my problems to date (knock on wood - as they say). Previously, when I would let Ulead burn the DVD, I had intermittent problems.

Sorry, I couldn't address your direct question as I've never run against that issue (but I'm running an older version of Ulead than you).

Good luck and let us know how it works.


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