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I was wondering the same thing. Glad to see you're still here. :)

Maybe everyone is saying as little as possible so Igor has fewer requests to monitor, and therefore more time to spend on new PTE features :lol:


Hi Ken, hi Al!

It happens sometimes... During a week there are ten or twenty new posts each day, and then two posts in three days!

Look at end of this page: we are now only two (Ken and I) to see the forum!


I too was wondering, then I log on tonight (day)??, whenever, and I see our senior members all have the same thought! :lol:


Mersea Island


Fear not! We're here just lurking. I've been busy posting on other forums, but I always come by to see what's happening.


I got kind of tired of the forum, mainly for two reasons:

1.) Most questions are being asked over and over again.

This makes the forum more and more redundant.

2.) The tons of threads need, to my understanding, some structuring, some administrative sorting into categories. Otherwise, we're confronted with needles in a heystack.


Ken - It's the same with presentations. They come into my site right and left at times and then there is nothing for weeks. I also don't get back to the forum as often as I should sometimes. As always, busy days. :lol:



I agree with RudiRe. We have asked this many times: categories.

I visit the forum every day but have nothing to say but "Hello to all".

On the other hand, maybe this means members have no problems any more ? - Good !

Have all a nice week.



Well, anymore I only reply when I think the subject or problem is within my area of expertise or my personal knowledge. The only other times I'm replying is to have some fun with some of the regulars (but Guido no longer rises to the comments). I learned a few months back that your opinions can get you flamed in a heart beat, by others "opinions"; even when you come to the defense of others your ingorant or going down the slippery road. So, I stick to the issue at hand and try not to put my opinions out. I'd like to think this forum is still fun.



We will plan to add (in a month or so, after v4.00) some very useful improvents for our forum: new languages files for interface and new skins.

By the way, as you can see, it's more reliable system when now we have two different and independent hostings for Web site and for the forum.

Two weeks ago we have received a newsletter from the forum hoster, where they have said us that speed of access to the forum will became faster in the nearest time.


Hi all,

Yes we tend to come and go, but it is far more importent to talk when you've got something to say, rather than flap in the breeze for the sake of it. ;) How about spending some time on the creative side of slide show presentation. What is the motovation behind your current efforts and/ or why did you make past shows?

Oh! by the by, dont forget The IAC Geoffrey Round Digital AV Competition. Entries due in mid March and the details can be found on www.avworld.org



Alan, I too would like to encourage this. And for starters, I would like to ask you for some of the thoughts that many of us have never really been privy to. I think this is an area that we have not taken much advantage of here. There are at least several of our users with extensive AV experience that could share much if they are so inclined. I think it would be very useful to have explanations why a certain effect or fade was used and how the images were tweaked to fit the transition or visa versa. How the music was paced to the subject of certain slides, and all the un-thought of factors that most of us don't always consider. Once the mechanical aspects of PTE are "mastered", it is the personal creative approaches that are most interesting (do you think?)



I agree with you about the creative side of things. Sometimes the realisation of a project can be like trying to catch the wind. I am currently working on a project about a place called Glencree in the wicklow mountains. I have all the slides, and the comentary written but the hardest part this time is setting the mood with the soundtrack. This is the part of A/V which makes it such a joy to work in. Some shows nearly make themselves, my show "After the Rain" was on 1 roll of film and 1 piece of music, but still is recived well where ever it!s shown. If you would like to find out more about the creative side of A/V I would recomend you contact your local A/V group, you!ll be suprised how many there are around the world, and nothing compares to face to face meetings with fellow workers. I help out with the IPF A/V group in Ireland and it is alwats a pleasure to see shows move from ideas on paper to full presentations over time. Iwould also recomend you subcribe to either AV World or AV News both magazines written by and for A/V workers. Details @ www.avworld.org




I agree with you re encouraging more discussion on the creative aspects of AV - i.e. how to use PTE more effectively in capturing the mood or message one is trying to suggest.

This is one reason I have been favouring more than 6 topics in the new forum - to have some topics for the applications of PTE, not just the technology behind it.

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