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using pix to exe in public


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Hi all

Being a new member I best introduce myself my name is john and have been into photography for 25+ years and came across pix to exe via a friend, being a strong camera club member I have shown this programme and demonstrated it. the best result is a number have purchased it and make audio visuals. but this has caused problems as someone has told us this is illeagal and we need to purchase a copy with a licence to just do this, I usually demonstrate with my own registered copy on my own lap top. Is this possable and do I need to do anything or just carry on.

many thanks


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Hi, John,

Welcome to the Forum!

If you think you are doing something wrong, then you would really have to ask WnSoft about it as they own the program.

However, there is nothing illegal with showing your copy of the program to other people, particularly those who are potential customers of WnSoft.

It would be illegal to give someone else your key so they can open the program, but if you are just demonstrating the software, then you are really doing WnSoft a big favour. I demonstrate my copy of the program quite often at our local camera club. :)

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