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Transition/duration speed


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I have noticed that in many of my slideshows the transition/duration speed with increase considerably about half way through the show. Typically, I will have approx 1000 images set to music timed so that the transition/duration for each image is about 2-3 seconds. At about the midway point the transition/duration will speed up to less that a second per image. Sometimes when I recreate the slideshow it will be correct but many times I must recreate it several times (with the same settings) in order for the timing to be correct.

Any ideas or suggestions?

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Sometimes if your transitions are too close together, the system will back up as it tries to process everything, and then speed up when it ties to catch up again. Or, there could be something else going on that is temporarily monopolizing your pc's resources. Try shutting everything else down, including email, virus protection, etc.

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1000 + images in a single show seems to be an awful lot. My guess is that you must have joined more than a few pieces of music together in order to make it long enough. If you haven't and are using separate pieces of music, this may be part of your problem.

Do you really need so many slides in your show? Most slide shows that are that long can be quite tiring for the average audience.

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Thanks guys for your feedback. The reason for so many images is that we are using the slideshow to both show and proof all of our clients' weddings. We have been doing this for quite some time and it has been well received. I have one slideshow set to music and another that is controlled manually that serves as an index. This allows us to proof the images with a very high level of picture quality while restricting unauthorized reproduction of the images.

As for the music, I have created a single mp3 file containing music of various length to give the desired image duration. This allows me to use the program's ability to auto sync images to music.

I have only had the transition/duration speed issues beginning with the 4.4X versions. This morning I reverted to 4.31 and created a slideshow with over 1700 images and 50 minutes of music without problems. Each image is up for about 1.5-2 seconds and transitions are consistent. It works well from both the hard drive and a cd on multiple computers.

So maybe it's just something characteristic to the 4.4X versions.

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