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Photos missing in show


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I created a show with about 180 images. It was of a school dance and the photos were of the couples. One girl emailed me that her photo was not in the show. I checked the .pte file and she was there but when I ran the show, she didn't show up. I used 3 songs and selected all the special effects and timed the show to enact with the music.

I just got this email from the missing girl: "Well we have found out on all of the disk that everytime you watch it there are different pictures on it so after we watched someone's a couple of times it was on there."

Apparently, the show changes as it executes??? Anyone have any idea what to do to fix this?


Jack DeHaven

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I assume you don't have it on Random play.

One thing to check is that the end of the transition of one slide to the start of the next is about half a second. If not, you mgith get some hic-cupping that might skip a slide (and different ones if it is set to random play)

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