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sooner or later, we come up with as many category proposals as there already are threads within the forum.


Right now there are 123 separate threads in this forum.

All I'm proposing is to add a bit of structure to them - I don't think 10 or 15 sub-categories is too many, as they would all fit on one page, and the topics are very diverse, so will be difficult to catalogue, no matter how many or few categories we have.

Maybe we should start with 6 or 8 and add to them as required. As long as we are not locked in to whatever we choose to start with.

Most of the suggestions so far have been technically oriented (either features, or how to use them). I believe we have room in the forum for some topics on show-creation, special effects, etc., that address the end product of our creative endeavours. (like your ingenious "Juke Box"). After all, that's what it's really all about! :)


I think we must add a "special" category where to place some important documents (not discussions or questions), like the old "Free stuff" or the recent and very interesting "Forum members' websites" by Ken: they are "lists" not to debate but only to update and improve.

They are few topics alike (another can be "Useful links" to tutorials, basic sites about imaging, sound, resources etc.), and I think Igor could delegate some member to the task of keeping them in order. "Free stuff", for example, was a great mine of useful addresses, but it was becoming rather difficult to find in it what we were looking for: it had been very useful to divide it (too!) in categories.


Taking Guido's thought's on links a bit further, let's use an example.



and enter

now if you click watertreatment -- the link takes you to the manufacturers that Romatec represents, clicking on one of the links takes you to that companies site.

so if a useful links section was developed it could have several sections -- graphics, sound, hardware etc

there have many names of products thrown up in various threads that could be added.

the only problem is if somebody starts a thread like the one i started re members sites -- a member should be able to go to my original and enter a site url -- as it is now i am the only one that can edit the first entry sheet, thus the thread gets very large and out of hand.



Yes, the Free-Stuff category was great and I'm glad I saved it from the old forum.

The proposal of adding categories as needed makes sense to me.

Starting out with the 5 most often desired categories would be a helpful start.

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