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I am making a fairly long sequence about 10 minutes. I need to move all the images to the right to give more time for one image.

I went into shift points and added time. It did add time but it moved the next image out of it's place in the line up. I know that I can highlight images and move as a block but this is quite difficult when you need more space early on in a sequence. I also " moved all points to the right ". It did this but is there an easiler way to get them back into position. I have used this function in the past and as I added " new transistion " it brought the timed points back, this does'nt happen now.

I am on 4.43 and XP home

Hope some one can help




Moving all of several slides over is quite easy on the timeline. Just click on the first slide to be moved, then "shift-click" on the last slide, and all will be highlighted. Then just move them over as a block of slides. :)

Also, I presume you know about the option "Timeline / View / Auto adding of new transition points for new slides" to switch back and forth between the new timeline options and the old way of doing things.


Also, I presume you know about the option "Timeline / View / Auto adding of new transition points for new slides" to switch back and forth between the new timeline options and the old way of doing things.


I have used PTE for quite a few projects sucessfully but have never really investigated all of the features in the timeline. Your reply (above) intrigued me as it pointed me to a function I have not used before. Is there somewhere a written explanation of the timeline features. I have a copy of your excellent video tutorial, but that is for version 4.2 and does not cover some of the new features. Is there an update?





Moving all of several slides over is quite easy on the timeline. Just click on the first slide to be moved, then "shift-click" on the last slide, and all will be highlighted. Then just move them over as a block of slides. :)

Also, I presume you know about the option "Timeline / View / Auto adding of new transition points for new slides" to switch back and forth between the new timeline options and the old way of doing things.


Hi Al

Yes I did know about highlighting slides and moving in a block, the trouble was I highlighted just a few, they overlapped and mixed up the order, also I found I had still got 1 slide highlighted when I was moving another block and this made matters worse. I realise now I have to go right to the end to highlight them all

I don't know what you mean with Timeline/view/auto adding new tranistion point for new slides . I have this selected when you say you can switch between old and new ways, does that mean I should be able to shift all the images to the right and bring back by just adding new tranisition point

Thanks for taking an interest in my problem



Hi Al

when you say you can switch between old and new ways, does that mean I should be able to shift all the images to the right and bring back by just adding new tranisition point?



If you uncheck "Auto adding of new transition points for new slides", then PTE functions as it did in versions before 4.40 in that if you add a transition between two other transitions, the new one takes on the characteristics of the slide to the right of it, and effectively moves the remaining slides to the left. It's a little hard to describe - you really have to try it to see what is happening. Of course, to add another transition, you have to have at least one unassigned slide in the slide list. Hope this helps.


Is there somewhere a written explanation of the timeline features. I have a copy of your excellent video tutorial, but that is for version 4.2 and does not cover some of the new features. Is there an update?


The short answer is "no" and "no".

You can find a discussion of the "new" timeline features in some of the previous Forum posts, but as far as I know there is no detailed description of them. My tutorial does not cover the new features which came with Version 4.40, and I won't be updating it, at least until the new version 5.0 is out

The best way to learn how to use the different options is to experiment with them, with just a few slides, until you become familiar with what happens under different scenarios.

And, of course, you can ask specific questions here on the Forum of people who have played with version 4.40+, and have discovered "modus operandi" that work for them.



If you uncheck "Auto adding of new transition points for new slides", then PTE functions as it did in versions before 4.40 in that if you add a transition between two other transitions, the new one takes on the characteristics of the slide to the right of it, and effectively moves the remaining slides to the left. It's a little hard to describe - you really have to try it to see what is happening. Of course, to add another transition, you have to have at least one unassigned slide in the slide list. Hope this helps.

Hi Al

Thanks again. I think my best option is to highlight to the end and move



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