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Possible Timeline Fault


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Has anyone experienced the following problem. I am using PTE Version 4.43.

I start a new project and add a few slides into the image window. I now preview these slides before attaching a temporary music file (Project Options, Music, Add), so that I can view the timeline window. The slides do not appear on the timeline.

Of course I can add them using the "timed points" button, but usually the slides appear straight away ata the default time and transition effect settings. This just seems to be a recent problem.

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Please look at attached image below.

Do you have this option enabled?

Thanks Igor,

That was the problem. I must have inadvertently disabled this option.

I asked a question in the forum about the availability of a more detailed set of instructions for using the timeline, which does not seem to be available. I have looked at Al Robinson's tutorial video, but it does not fully cover all the features. So I am preparing a "user manual" just covering this topic, mainly for myself, but also for our photographic club's digital section. I would be prepared to make it available to anyone after it is finished. Would you like to see a copy and decide whether it would be of use? It will be in pdf format with illustrations.


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Thanks Igor,

That was the problem. I must have inadvertently disabled this option.

I asked a question in the forum about the availability of a more detailed set of instructions for using the timeline, which does not seem to be available. I have looked at Al Robinson's tutorial video, but it does not fully cover all the features. So I am preparing a "user manual" just covering this topic, mainly for myself, but also for our photographic club's digital section. I would be prepared to make it available to anyone after it is finished. Would you like to see a copy and decide whether it would be of use? It will be in pdf format with illustrations.


Yes - this would be very useful for our local clubs too.

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Further to the previous posts in this thread, I have now completed a first draft of a guide to using the timeline in Version 4.43. However there are three functions which I am having difficulty with.

1. The automatic synchronization tick box at the top left of the timeline window. This does not seem to perform any function. Is it just an indication?

2. The "Timed Points" button has a sub-feature "arrange selected points". If I select some points and click this feature, nothing seems to happen. What is the intended function?

3. If you click on a slide in the timeline, the status box for that slide appears together with an "Update" button. What is this button intended to do? It does not seem to do anything that I can see.

When I have completed the guide, can someone advise me how this could be made generally available. I have no web site of my own but am prepared to share the guide with anyone who might think it would be useful.

Jeff Evans

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When I have completed the guide, can someone advise me how this could be made generally available. I have no web site of my own but am prepared to share the guide with anyone who might think it would be useful.

I'd be happy to add it to the PTE help section of my club's web site - there are links to this site from Guido's site and others.

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I would be interested in it too. Ken's idea to post it to Beechbrook is a good one.

Re the timeline functions, if you highlight a group of transitions (by using click and "shift-click"), and then click on "arrange selected points", the group of selected points will be spread evenly on the timeline between the first and last transition of the group. Very useful for setting up a group of slides along with a selection of music, prior to further tweaking to obtain more exact synchronization.

The update button is used to register the value that you type into the transition time that shows up just to the left of the button after you highlight a particular transition.

Re the auto sync tickbox, I'm mystified, too, as the default is for PTE to set up the timeline with equal times. I guess it's just a way to confirm that you don't want to change anything as the moment you do, the tickbox changes to "custom sync".

Good luck with the tutorial.

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I would be interested in it too. Ken's idea to post it to Beechbrook is a good one.

Thanks Al,

Your answers are very helpful and just fill in the final missing pieces. I will now finish off the tutorial and upload it to the Beechbrook site when complete. I have not looked at this very often, but there does not seem to be an obvious homw for tutorial material for PTE. However no doubt I can sort this out later on.


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