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sync' slides to music

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Are there any easy ways to set the timing points accurately when customizing a sequence to music? IS there a magic way ?





I like to set the transition points by ear on the timeline, one after the other, as I listen to the playback of the music. Then, using the waveform, I revisit each point and drag it to the correct position in relation to the beat of the music as shown by peaks on the waveform. I set the transition point slightly ahead of the beat, the distance ahead being proportional to the length of the transition, as it takes a few milliseconds before one notices the start of a longer transition.



I like to set the transition points by ear on the timeline, one after the other, as I listen to the playback of the music. Then, using the waveform, I revisit each point and drag it to the correct position in relation to the beat of the music as shown by peaks on the waveform. I set the transition point slightly ahead of the beat, the distance ahead being proportional to the length of the transition, as it takes a few milliseconds before one notices the start of a longer transition.

Hi Al,

Thanks for the tip,yet again.

That is the way I have been doing it, but just off sync a little. The method of putting the slide a few milliseconds ahead, I did not do think of. However, will do now :D

I just thought that you,the more experienced users, may have a magic wand or something. and not just a good ear for music :D

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