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With Sound and Readers currently occupying our thoughts on the Forum, does anyone know if there is a reader with USB connection for Sony Mini Discs ?

Ron [uK]

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Hi Ron,

As I have mentioned before on this forum, EDIROL (Roland) make a number of OPTICAL to USB Interfaces which will, if your SONY has an OPTICAL Output, do what you want. If you SONY does not have a digital out then amongst the range of products they also make one which will take an analogue output and convert that to USB. Either way the result is better than using a sound card.

I have had one for about 3 years and use it regularly between my SONY MINI DISC (not a portable) and my Laptop. The USB input is recognised with no problems by ROXIO, Audacity, Audition etc.

E-mail me direct if you require any specific details.

Here are a couple of links:



They also have a new gadget which, if I read it correctly would replace your SONY Mini-Disc with something much easier to use. It appears to be a hand held MP3/WAV recorder:



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Thanks Dave for your help, but what I am looking for is an actual reader of the MiniDisk. I have no problem in linking my Sony MD Recorder to my computer such as you can with a digital camera, but I want to take the MiniDisk out of the Recorder and plug it into a reader.

Ron {UK}

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Hi Ron,

I have never come across a "reader" for a Mini-Disc.

The "reader" is the Sony Mini-Disc Recorder/Player, surely?

If you are looking for something which resembles a CF Card reader, I don't think such an animal exists. (I'm pretty sure that ten members of the forum will now prove me wrong). Interesting though, if there is such an animal.

Did you check out the links? Their new recorder looks VERY interesting.


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Hi Ron

As Dave says, the easiest solution is to use an actual minidisk player. I had to get one for a project recently as I was supplied an audio file on a minidisk. I found a Sony model on eBay that had a USB interface that also read 1Gb disks for £32. As the technology has been superceded now by MP3 players etc, there are some real bargains on Minidisk player/recorders to be had!


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Thanks Dave and Ian for your replies. At present I connect my Sony MD Recorder to my computer, just as you advised me a few months ago Ian, but I thought that there might be a separate reader on the market. Are you suggesting getting a separate player which are much cheaper than recorder/players?

Best wishes

Ron [uK]

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Hi Ron,

There seems to be little point in getting another "player" if the one that you have does everything you need.

Is there a particular reason why you do not want to connect it to your computer?

By the way, how are you connecting it to your computer at present - USB or via the sound card?


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Not really only that I like to have things already to hand, set up ready for use Thanks again anyway. I use USB for connection.

Ron [uK]

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