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Borders to images


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Hi All

I am also new around here and to pixtoexe. I have managed to create a really nice slide show of a surprise engagement that I was lucky enough to capture on camera. However some of the images show up as full screen and others have a border (which I made grey to try and hide!) I have set the setting to show as full screen and also resized all the images to 1024x768 (they were large tiff files to start with)

Nothing seems to work and it does rather spoil the effect. Please can anyone help me out here!



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However some of the images show up as full screen and others have a border (which I made grey to try and hide!)

Hi, Anne,

Welcome to the Forum!

In "Project Options / Screen / Screen Options", make sure you have "100% of screen to show slide images" set with no shadow. In the Background section, it also helps to choose a "solid colour" black background. Also select "Full-screen" mode instead of "Windowed mode".

Also, make sure PTE is using the images you resized to 1024 x 768. However, if your monitor is set to a different resolution, and particularly one with a different aspect ration than the images, you will still see space around the images unless you choose the "fit-to-screen" option. You can see the file-spec for an image opposite "Show Image" on the main window when you click on an image in the slide list.

Hope these help.

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