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pan and zoom

Guest damor

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for some background and along the same line of panorama's






you can study up on those sites then you will have an idea what you are going to do with ver 5 :)


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help. I'm going wacko trying to get zoom and pan effects

Do I have to "slice" an image up? .


You can get a vertical and horizontal pan in PTE by using the "Push" transitions.

And you are right, you have to have a large image already prepared, and then cut it up in an image editor into pieces the size of the resolution at which you are making your show, with the edges of each adjacent image matching perfectly. You also have to have your monitor set at the same resolution as the images to avoid a gap between them.

I put together a small spreadsheet which gives me the top-left pixel address for each segment of the larger image, according to how large the transition is and how many segments are required for the pan. Then you simply set the cursor at each address in turn and "draw" a selection rectangle the size of the image you want.

Then you can set up the pan, either for automatic motion from one image to the next, or under button control on each segment.

If you are curious, you can download it from this PAGE of my web site.

When Igor implements the Ken Burns effects, we should have the option of either pan/zoom in any direction, or continuing to pan large high-quality images as with the present arrangement.

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Regarding the "slicing up" of an image.

Your original image will be twice the width of your screen res. i.e. 2048x768 or 2560x851 etc.

Set your crop tool to 1024x768 (or 1280x851) and crop firstly from the top left corner. Save that as your left image.

Undo the crop and crop again from the top right corner. Save that as your right image.

You will find that to be accurate and will produce a seamless pan using the push transition.


P.S. this is for a TWO segment pan - same principle applies to three or more segments except that Igor has promised that in version 5

we will be able to put transitions "back to back" thus eliminating the momentary pause necessary between transitions 2 and 3 etc at present.

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many thanks for posting those links.

I have tried to obtain, so far with only partial success, the effect of: (a) slide No.1 (of a 2 slide panorama) being "pushed" in from the right, then (B) the 2nd slide following the 1st one accross the screen without the 1st one standing stationary for any observable interval.

Everything goes well, EXCEPT, slide No.1 appears stationary for about half a second.

Will be grateful to know what I'm doing incorrectly.


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i would work backward from igor's entry


or try his settings and then diddle them

you do not see many entries/solutions on the subject so i imagine it takes a heck of a lot of diddling and i would imagine the power of you system has something to do with it as well


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It's not possible in the current system to avoid the pause between panned images as each image is treated separately, with it's own transition, and we know already that in PTE there must be a slight space between transitions. However, the faster and more powerful one's pc system, the shorter the time required between pans. It can be less than 1/10 sec on high-end systems, but there is still a perceptible stop in the action, which can be disconcerting.

One way to "live" with the present situation is to time the start of each pan with the music, and allow longer delays between images so that the pauses appear to be intentional and fit in with the music. The duration of each pan would also have to be in sync with the particular music you are using.

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many thanks for that. I thought it was me being a bit thick.

The effect I was trying to achieve, for a slideshow covering a recent visit to Egypt, was:

i) an introductory slide has an associated dialogue (voiceover), along the lines: "and as we enter this building and look around us".

Followed by:

ii) 2 or 3 slides forming a panoramic "look round"

The pause, be it everso short, spoils the mood completely.

Guess I'll just have to rewrite my storyline!


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Guess I'll just have to rewrite my storyline!

Yes, you could have a slightly longer pause between each image of the pan, and say something like "And then continuing on, we see that ...." or "I took time out here to go to the washroom .... " :lol:

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Hi to all.

thanks for the helpful tips and links.

But,alas. I will have to wait untill v5 comes. Can't get to sit at the desk as it would take too

long to do what I want. Untill after Christmas that is.

Have A nice one guys and gals.

Dave. :)

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