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Hi Powelly

It depends on the size of the show & the email programme. Some email programmes only accept 30mb size. The best way is to upload your show as an MP4 to one of the hosting sites such as Dropbox or Youtube & send a link to the show to the person you want to get it & let them download it.



Hi Powelly

E-mail would rarely work unless you really cut it down size and quality. I would not even bother with it. You might be able to send it, but the recipient can have an issue with it.

1) If you use G-mail than you have it right there "Google Drive" It can host a fair amount of files.(I actually open up a g-mail account only for this, I never use the e-mail function).

2) Than you can sign up for free to "Dropbox" but it has a size and volume limit, which is not bad at all.

3) YouTube? Can be finicky with all kinds of rights (image,music etc.). It could be a turn off. The above two is a no brainer.

Even though I have a paid hosting site (The BOX) I still use those other two.




WeTransfer is free for up to 2GB & you can send exe's via it.

We use it all the time for competition entries.

The recipient gets an email with the Link to download & you get an email back once they have downloaded it.
The files only stay there for 7 days, so no problems making sure you have enough space.

You can't send exe by email & most email clients have a limit of 10mb.



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