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Granots' Play Sound Utility - Trojan.

The PWS.Agent reported with this Sound Utility is usually one of those (simple) incipid Trojans thought up by Hi-School Students flexing their newly acquired knowledge in Computer Skills, ie: "Morons" ~ but none the less dangerous.

PWS.Agent.XXX is a broad family of 'Data-Stealing' Trojans which usually operate as follows:-


They usually reside in the 'Header Section' of your Home Page or Search Page but lately they tend to be dropped into the Header Section of your ISP.Providers' Home Page. So if you are depending on an ISP.Provider to "upload" your Web.Pages this rubbish can appear to origionate from your PC where in fact it is coming from your ISP.Provider without their (supposed) knowledge ~


Report the 'alledged infection' to your ISP.Provider and if they "will not check it" change your Provider.

We had to do just that some years ago when we were deluged with +1300 Nasties over a 6 month period of in-activity with a certain ISP.Account. They didn't give a damn who they infected so we reported them to our Government PC.Security Authority ~ their attitude soon changed when they saw the imminent demise of their Licence.

Hope this helps....



Hi Brian,

Can you please be more clear, is there or not a trojan in the utility ?

Your title "Granots' Play Sound Utility - Trojan" suggests this utility includes Trojan.

I was just starting using "AutoIt" and I assume their compiler does not add anything malicious while compiling scripts.

Thank you


  boxig said:

Hi Brian,

Can you please be more clear, is there or not a trojan in the utility ?

Your title "Granots' Play Sound Utility - Trojan" suggests this utility includes Trojan.

I was just starting using "AutoIt" and I assume their compiler does not add anything malicious while compiling scripts.

Thank you



With respect, I think you have made an assumption and got the 'wrong end of the stick' ~

I did not suggest nor assume that your New Utility carried a trojan ~ others said that !

In fact I was defending your situation by letting Readers know that 'Trojans' are most often spread by careless ISP.Providers (I gave an example) and I also suggested that Web.Uploaders like yourself should check with their ISP.Providers when such things are reported back to you. I also included an explaination as to how these things operate.

Concerning "AutoIt Program" I know absolutely nothing about it ~ I have no reason to use it.

In the past year, every Program I downloaded is submitted to the 'Spynet Community' via 'Microsoft Beta 1.3 Anti-Spyware Utility' ~ this has guaranteed me absolute security, the Utility is "Free" and perhaps you would like to try that for yourself.

I used to check Programs for others, but gave that up, as its a time consuming 'thankless task' and Microsoft Beta 1.3 can do the job much more effectively than I can.....



Brian -

Thank you for the tip on the anti-spyware. I have just downloaded and run on 4 computers.

My question is regarding the version I have installed. Your reference to Beta 1.3 compared to the one I just downloaded, ie. Microsoft AntiSpyware Version: 1.0.701

This version expires on: 7/31/2006

Spyware Definition Version: 5787 (12/28/2005 9:09:12 PM)

What do you think?


I wrote to support "Bitdefender", with the link, but this link is removed.

I wrote again this morning to support with the .zip file (I keep it at home): the support will check if it's a "false positive situation", as said by support.

I wait the answer for the next hours or days.


Hi Brian,

Thank you.

Of course I undrstood what you wrote ;) but I needed your clear words for other readers who might conclude wrong. So thank you again for making things clear.


  LumenLux said:

Brian -

Thank you for the tip on the anti-spyware. I have just downloaded and run on 4 computers.

My question is regarding the version I have installed. Your reference to Beta 1.3 compared to the one I just downloaded, ie. Microsoft AntiSpyware Version: 1.0.701

This version expires on: 7/31/2006

Spyware Definition Version: 5787 (12/28/2005 9:09:12 PM)

What do you think?


Yes,the one you have is the current version. Let me explain:-


For Security reasons Microsoft release a brand new version of the Program each December with updates during the Year. This is the 3rd Program of Beta-1 so I call it Beta 1.3 ~ sorry about that.


Microsoft also "upgrade your PC.System for free" as well as upgrading the Microsoft Anti-Spyware Program during the Year. This is all part and parcel of establishing the "Spynet Community" with Norton, McAfee and other's.


Design Intent

As you probably know, many years ago Microsoft had an internal secuirity leak at their Headquarters and lots of 'source-code' was stolen. They corrected the breach and for the past 2 years have been changing their source code to prevent 'Hackers' from gaining access to their Software Systems. The 'Job' is now done and to stay ahead Microsoft Beta-1 was designed and it keeps on changing, so also the source codes keep changing. Now the 'Hackers' are trying to gain access to Norton and other Anti-Virus Systems which is being foiled by the 'Spynet Community. I think they have done an excellent job ! and I for one am grateful for the advanced security features it offers.


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