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Converting 35 mm to pte


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Is it worth trying to convert an existing 35mm slide show to PTE? if so how would I go about it.

When making digital sequences, what is the best way of producing titles. I have been using power point to make them to date and then photogtraph them onto 35mm slides, can I still use pp ? if so how do I convert the resulting file to a suitable format for PTE. These may sound simple questions but to someone who is new to digital they are quite important to resolve. Gilbert :)

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I have converted many of my 35mm AVs to PTE.

It takes time (or $$ :) ) to scan the slides, then put them in the same sequence as in the 35mm show using the light table in PTE to sort them.

I use PhotoShop to make my titles, but you can use OBJECTS within PTE to do it as well but there are drawbacks to that.

If you were doing synced 35mm shows, then plug your tape deck into your line-in on the computer and use a sound-editing software to record it digitally (AUDACITY will do it for you - just do SEARCH on the forum for AUDACITY and you will see references that will help.)

Best thing to do is to find someone locally who has done it and you'll find out how easy (but time consuming) it is.

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