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Christmas Lights


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This is NOT a work of art, but a fun AV that I put together for the Senior Citizen homes that we take our shows around to during the winter months.

The images, except for the first part of the show, were taken in late 2005. The first part of the show has a few images from 2004, 2003, and 2002.

All the images were taken by wife, Gwen Williams, or myself using a Canon D60, 10D or 20D.

The presentation is divided into three sections. The first section was photographed around Canada’s National Legislative Building (The Peace Tower) and central Ottawa.

The middle section is from a Pioneer Museum (Upper Canada Village) south of Ottawa on the St Lawrence River. (A long stone’s throw from the USA). Upper Canada Village consists of 30-40 buildings from the 1860’s that have been moved to one site and are staffed by costumed interpreters during the summer. The Christmas lights festival occurs each year for 6 weeks.

The last section contains shots from one street in Ottawa that is known for its Christmas decorations. It can take 45-60 minutes to drive down the street which is about a half mile or 0.75km long because of the traffic. The street is called Taffy Lane, but nic-named Tacky Lane.


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