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Last night a presentation of a PTE slideshow was given at our local Camera Club. Some of the effect in it were quite remarkable. There were transitions between one slide and another that produced the effect of one slide "evolving" into the next, but, in a manner more advanced and more artistic than can be produced using the transition effects packaged with PTE.

I understood, from the brief time that was available for questioning the author, that these effects were produced by creating the slides as layered images in Photoshop.

Do any of you, more clued-up members, know how this wizardry is achieved? or if there are any books, guides or tutorials avalable that will point me in the right direction?

Best wishes




It is a simple (once you have done it a number of times :):) ) matter of putting many of your images, one per layer, into a single .psd. Usually the .psd background layer is your canvas to be used on all images

Then sizing (via transform) and placing them carefully for nice transitions, over lapping and non-overlapping as you wish.

Then saving each layer as a jpg file for PTE and carefully select the transition you want to use.

There was a wonderful show "Olga Boritsch" (produced by her husband) that used to be on Beechbrook that gave us all many wonderful ideas in this regard.

The show is no longer there, I will send you his e-mail address privately and you could ask for a copy - I am sure he would share it.


As Bruce mentioned, check for Barry Beckham's tutorial CDs. I have used his material for many months and all my PTE projects are now all processed through the Photoshop layering technique. I recently mastered the "clipping mask" procedure - a bit tricky, but provide great effects. IMHO, PTE and Photoshop go hand in hand if one wants to get beyond the "basic" slide show. Of course, v5.0 should add even more sophistication to creating great Digital Audio Visuals.



Igor, Ken and Bruce - thank you all so very much for that information. now I have somethind to get my teeth into.

Kind regards


Thanks for that Bill, grateful if you'll explain what is IMHO?



When you go to Barry Beckham's website, be sure to download "Black Country." This show along with Oleg's "Life is Life" really inspired me to the possiblities of PTE and Photoshop when I started creating slide shows. I'm happy to know where to now find "Olga Boritch Photographer", but where can I find "Life is Life"? I e-mailed Oleg a while ago and never heard back. I'd like to see it again.


BTW (by the way), IMHO=In My Honest Opinion



I put a "Third Image Demo" on Beechbrook many moons ago and it is still there if you are interested. Also we had a Third Image Challenge each donating a few images. My sequence, "Third Image Challenge" is also on Beechbrook. Third Image is one of the effects we former twin projector AV workers used and is one which we have endeavoured to emulate using Photoshop layers.

Ron [uK]


As Bruce mentioned, check for Barry Beckham's tutorial CDs. I have used his material for many months and all my PTE projects are now all processed through the Photoshop layering technique. I recently mastered the "clipping mask" procedure - a bit tricky, but provide great effects. IMHO, PTE and Photoshop go hand in hand if one wants to get beyond the "basic" slide show. Of course, v5.0 should add even more sophistication to creating great Digital Audio Visuals.



IMHO = In My Humble Opinion



Thank you Cindy, Ron and Tom,

I'll certainly study with dilligence to links to information you all kindly sent me.

There is certainly a lot more to this facinating subect than one suspects at first sight.

"In My Honest Opinion" well fancy that; I'd be racking my brains to link IMHO to some complex technical term! OLAL(One Lives And Learns)


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