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I have decided to "slay the fatted calf" and splash out on a brand new monitor.

There are 2 reasons for this extravagance:

(a) it's getting more and more difficult to retain calibration on the existing 6 year old one.

(B) I'd like to have 2 monitors so that an image can be open at full screen on one, while the old one is used for displaying Photoshop palettes etc.

It also occured to me that it would be nice, when recording voice-overs, to have the PTE slideshow on one monitor and Cool Edit on the other. I feel there would be a greater feeling of "spontaneity" and harmony of voice timbre if the entire voice-over were to be recorded in one hit, with, of course, some later editing.

Trouble is, I havn't a clue how to physically set up the equipment.

If any of you, more experienced hands, can give me a pointer, I'd be very greatful.

Also, please don't be shy, tell me if you think there to be no merit in what I'm aiming for.

Best wishes



I would not be able to work without my 'dual monitor' system now!

Have you checked that you computer is capable of running 2 monitors?

My graphics card includes the 'Nvidia' software that sets everything up for you.



Thank you Ron,

I was aware that I would need to obtain a new dual or an additional Video card, I've even managed to get it through the chief ecconomist!

I did'nt know, however, that the video card, itself, would "ease" me through the installation.

I'll let you know how things progress, but it will be a few weeks before I'm up and running as the extra monitor, a 2nd 19" CRT necessitates a major work area revamp.

Incidentally, have you used the arrangement I mentioned? Thati Photoshop on one and Cool Edit on the 2nd monitor.




Hi Ebonist,

I don't use 'cool Edit' but I do use 'Audition' which does the same thing better.

I do use your intended setup, in fact I have Audition on monitor 2 and Photoshop on monitor 1 and it works a treat. I wouldn't want to work any other way now - so much easier than on just a single monitor.

Good luck with your new setup!


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