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I have EXE presentations made using earlier versions PtoE, I no longer have the original project files or the earlier version of the program.

I now want to try to covert these to MP4 but I am unaware of any program which can do this

I had a thought that I could create a new project and use the ExE file in that project to then enable me to publish the project as an MP4. I initially tried creating a blank slide, including a button which would then run the EXE file.  This works if I just create another Exe, but not an MP4. 

Then I  tried the option of using my blank slide to 'run an external application', but again this only works when creating an exe.

Is there someway that I can effectively embed the exe file within the new project and for it to enable me to then create an MP4 ?

Or has anyone else come up with a solution to convert older EXE files to MP4 other than using screen capture ?

I am currently using v9.0.22


Thanks Jill.  I was afraid that would be the answer.  I've got the software that you mention and it works great.  Unfortunately it records in real time and I've got 30+ Exes to convert and I was hoping for a short cut.


Sadly there is no shortcut.

Maybe a lesson to always make a backup Zip or Template of each & every Project.

I know it is too late for old projects already gone, but at least you have the exe.

Good luck


I am also in the same position. However does anyone have any tips to capture the beginning of an Exe video?

I click on the Exe file to play and then try quickly to action a ‘Windows +G’ screen capture. However I cannot seem to pause the Exe playing whilst I get into Screen Capture mode so always miss capturing the beginning.  

Any suggestions?


I am a Mac user so I don't know if this is possible – could you start screen capture before starting the .exe file and then edit out the unwanted bit at the start?

1 hour ago, Xenofex2 said:

Any suggestions

As long as you made the exe with 'allow keyboard control' then you should be able to pause/restart by pressing the spacebar.

Or as suggested start capture then start the exe.

Will be a lot easier if you have 2  monitors and have the exe on one and the screen capture on the other.



Ah well, just thought I'd ask.

Only (?) have one Monitor. I did not make the Exe with 'allow keyboard' function and it does not seem possible to action a Screen Capture before the Exe was opened.


In GeForce Experience it is possible to start the Capture (F9) and then Start the EXE. When the EXE is finished press F9 again to finish the Capture. Record at the Highest possible quality.

The resulting mp4 can be dragged into PTE and trimmed to suit before saving/outputting as a PTE mp4.



Re - In GeForce Experience

Thanks for that. I had initially thought that the inbuilt video capture function within Windows (Windows G) was the same as GeForce Experience.

Thankyou for emphasing that point and am now checking it out.


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