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Hi All

A colleague who also uses PTE has posed this one to me and I cannot reslove it so here goes.

When he attempts to run a Preview he gets this message.'You should disable personalised music of slides to activate sync by music'

In the Sync window he has the Customise Sync radio buttion active and his sequence runs perfectly in the that window so he cannot understand why this happens.

In attempting to solve the problem he has discovered that if he selects the 'Not Sync radio button ' it will run in Preview but with the music soundtrack from the beginning not coming in at the third slide as he intends.

Any bright ideas?


I have not come across this Mike, but from the terminology "disable personalised music of slides" suggests that he or she may have something in the 'Sound' box beneath the Slide list for one or more of the slides. It is a feature I have never used, relying entirely on Adobe Audition for my soundtracks. Just a thought until others come on line. Regards.

Ron [uK]


When he attempts to run a Preview he gets this message.'You should disable personalised music of slides to activate sync by music'

He has to uncheck "Play new background music file" in "Customize slide" for some slide in the show. This can be done easily by selecting all slides on the slide list (click on the first one, and "shift-click" on the last one), select "Customize slide / Music" and uncheck "Play new .... music ..".

This will interfere with a synched show even if there is no music in use on any one slide but this checkbox is checked.

By the way, this restriction does not apply to sound dubbed over the background music via the "Sound" line on the main window.


I found that the easiest way to look at the Timeline without setting up any music is to fool PTE by creating a length of silence in Audacity or Audition of the length of time that you expect the total time the slides to take up. That will get rid of that "personalized music" message. Then you can introduce sound into a section at a time, keeping the silent section in place, but adjusted for the total slide time minus the initial sound section that you introduced. Works great.

This is covered in JW Evans tutorial "A User Guide to Timeline Functions", a very well done teaching tool



Thank you all for your replies which have enable us to crack it. As a co-incidence my mate is John Evans not the one mentioned. Bill how do we access the tutorial by J W Evans it sounds interesting?



i seem to remember he posted at CONTAXMAN'S SITE



PTE Timeline Guide

- for PTE 4.44 or later

(right-click the link

choose "Save Target As")

NB this file is 3.6 Mb so you will need to be patient!


Thanks Ken The Bishopsthorpe site is a mine of information and and excellent start point for any user of PTE

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