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I first need to convert my file that Pictoexe made by using WinAVI converter, it does a fine job converting file into a mpeg file. Then I use TSUNAMI MPEG DVD PRO to make the dvd. After I import the file into Tsunami I receive the warning saying, THE NTSC DVD - video standard does not not accept MPEG-2 with a resolution of 720x528. What does this mean? Any direction would be nice. Bill ;)


I have never tried it but I would try importing the avi into TSUNAMI MPEG DVD PRO and do it all from there and see what happens

made many mpgs with TSUNAMI MPEGenc and the imported the resulting file into Nero ad made the dvd from there

Have also mad the dvd files direct from WinAvi



Hi Bill

THE NTSC DVD - video standard does not not accept MPEG-2 with a resolution of 720x528. What does this mean?

In PTE - Video have you selected to create a Custom .AVI ? ( 720x528 )

If so - try settings DVD video disc - NTSC

WinAVI to Mpeg_2 - ( Auto ) if you want to create a Mpeg_2 to save.

Or - as Ken suggested, if you wish to just have one show on a disk.

WinAVI direct to DVD.


Since you're in KS, you probably want an NTSC (instead of PAL) DVD? The standard resolution is 720x480. That's why Tsunami is complaining. If you want to preserve your non-standard aspect ratio, process your video using software that supports non-square pixels (e.g., Windows Media Encoder) before you convert it to MPEG-2 for the burn to DVD.

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