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Multiple sound files


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My problem: I am working on a project which requires the first 30 slides to be synchronised to music; the next 30 are to be under manual control, with 'live' commentary, and therefore of indeterminate time; then the final 30 are again to be synched to music - but a different file from the opening. I can find no way to position a selected sound file as required on the timeline. I have seen references to synching a GROUP of slides (i.e. several slides highlighted together) but cannot find how to do this; if I customise the group to a given piece, it starts afresh with each transition.

I suppose a possible solution would be to create three separate exe files - but is there a way to link these so that they run consecutively?

Any suggestions to help me would be most welcome.

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Welcome to the Forum!

No, you cannot position the music on the timeline. However, you can splice in a section of silence using a sound editor such as "Audacity" (or simply add a "silent" mp3 file between the first and last music selections).

If you check "Permit the control of show" opposite "Customize synchronization" in "Project options" you can then "program" the mouse buttons to pause or advance the show during the silent section.

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There is a way of doing this ~ but you have to exit the Main Show to a Secondary Show ~ then 'Auto-Return' to the Main Show.

I have done this with some of my 'Bavarian Shows' where I exited the Main Show to do a Manual Data Show and then returned to the Main Show. (The Manual Show included Pdf Maps, Food Menu's, URL Database).

Select 'Project Options', select 'Advanced Tab' now Tick 'Run Application after Last Slide' now Click.on the small Green ? Question Mark and a few script options will open up ? Select what you need and accurately type it into the small Window beside the ? Mark. Save it.(It takes a bit of practice)

This little known facility dramatically expand the "intelligence" of the PTE Program beyond recognition. It makes the Presentations become "inter-active" with the Viewer and most are "agog" when they see what it can do.

I must say thanks to Igor again, as he instructed me in this Process. It would be really nice if others took up this little facility and used it more often.


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Welcome to the Forum!

No, you cannot position the music on the timeline. However, you can splice in a section of silence using a sound editor such as "Audacity" (or simply add a "silent" mp3 file between the first and last music selections).

If you check "Permit the control of show" opposite "Customize synchronization" in "Project options" you can then "program" the mouse buttons to pause or advance the show during the silent section.

Thanks for the welcome, Al. I had thought of your method, but was worried that the manual control of the centre section would throw out the synchronisation of the final section. But I'll give it a go...



Many thanks for your tip. I think it is just what I needed. After a bit of experimentation I have got it to work - but I found it was necessary to change my project options on the first file to 'close at end' instead of 'hold last slide'. Also, it was not clear from Igor's scripts whether one should enter the double quotes round the application name. I found they were not needed.

As you say, this 'wrinkle' deserves to be better known!


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Chappers, I have used a method similar to that suggested by Brian to link separate sequences which in your case would be three.

Sequence ! would be set under Project Options>Advanced>Advanced options>Run application after last slide (the application selected would be Sequence 2; repeat these settings for Sequence 2 but as you will be manually controlling the sequence, finish on a blank image; and Sequence 3 would be normal.

For Sequence 2, if you haven't found it already, do a search for Manual Show instigated by Brian and very useful.

Ron [uK]

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I had thought of your method, but was worried that the manual control of the centre section would throw out the synchronisation of the final section. But I'll give it a go...


The synchronization is retained 100% - this works for me quite well, and I use it to intermix live narration with synched sections of the show. And if you want to dwell longer on a particular slide, you just hit the mouse button programmed for "pause".

It's handy to have both a forward and reverse function. So, if I need a "pause" capability too, as someone suggested not long ago on this forum, I program one of the mouse buttons to pause, and use the forward and backward keys on the pc to advance or back up the show.

It would be very handy to be able to program the space button to perform the "pause" function.

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