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Now that I have mastered the basics of PTE I am turning my attention to Photoshop so that I can make the best use of integrating the two. I am having problems with Actions in Photoshop CS". I know how to create an action set and actions within it but if I stipulate a function key, when i press the F key nothing happens. Also, when I ask the Action to Play it only opens up one action step at a time and I have to press OK to move to the next action. In other words the action is not playing automatically. I have tried setting up Batch commands as well but I get the same result, the Action only plays one step at a time.

I would be most grateful if anyone else has experienced this and ifthey can tell me what i may be doing wrong.

Gordon Cochrane

Cardiff, UK



Once you have created your action and with the actions palette open look down the left side to the right of the ticks. If the little boxes to the right are highlighted remove them. These tell the action to stop and wait for user input.

Try the action again and this may be the problem solved.

Other than that re-record the action. You can make mistakes and I have done that lots of times. For example, if you create an action for a flattened layer and try to run the same action on a layered file it sometimes will not work. It depends on what you are asking it to do.

There are two possibilities to try first.


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