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Hi folks,

I am helping a friend who created a backup as ZIP.

I know that this does not include the font and why this is the case. But when I try to change the font, it will not work. The original pte file was made on a Windows PC and I am using a Mac. I have come across this problem before and the only way I could change the font was by not changing it, just wiping it and creating an image in PhotoShop instead.

So, I installed the Windows version of PTE via Crossover22. Sadly, when opening the pte file many, but not all, of the transitions reverted to AB (No transition time). The slide timings were all over the place and the overall length was shortened from 4.m30s to 3m20s. In other words, it was Donald Ducked. So, I gave up on that approach.

I can't share the backup as ZIP, as the file belongs to a mentee (I am a PAGB AV Advisor). I will ask the mentee if is happy for me to get help, privately, from someone I know on the forum.

Has anyone come across this before? Sadly, I can't share screenshots as this would identify the mentee and the show.

Mark Allen 


Hi Mark,

The most likely PTE AV Studio were not updated on PC and/or Mac. Some old versions had issues with custom transitions.

Times of slides and transitions should not change after moving the project between PC and Mac. I didn't hear about such problem yet.
A possible explanation of this issue. On one computer (PC or Mac) "Show full slide duration" option is ticked in the Preferences of PTE AV Studio, and another computer doesn't have this option in the Preferences.

I just created a test project on a PC, created a backup in a ZIP and transfered this project to a Mac. Times of slides/transitions didn't change, custom transition were shown correctly.

You can open the .pte project file which you received from that user in Notepad. Find a field "CreationTool". For the projects saved in the latest version you can see:

CreationTool=PTE AV Studio Pro 11.012

If it shows v11.0.9 or earlier, it explains the problem with broken custom transitions.

I recommend to update PTE AV Studio, open that project and check again on a PC that all transitions are correct. Then this project can be transfered to a Mac.

P.S. We plan to find a solution for fonts to improve tranfering of projects with unique fonts to another computer.


Thank you kindly. I am using the latest version, I reinstalled it just in case. But thanks for the tip, I now see that my mentee is using V10
filetype=Project file of PTE AV Studio
CreationTool=PTE AV Studio Pro 10.014

Which is probably the problem.

3 hours ago, Igor said:

P.S. We plan to find a solution for fonts to improve tranfering of projects with unique fonts to another computer.

Looking forward to the next version of PTE AV Studio.




Version 10.0.14 should work correctly with custom transitions.

Can you ask your friend to create a simple test project in V10 - just 3-5 images with different times and couple custom transitions. Then create a backup in a ZIP and transfer the project to Mac for checking. If the problem will occur again, please send me this test project (ZIP).

Also you can advise your friend to upgrade to V10.5 - it's a free update for V10 users.

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