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I realize that I am probably just flat out of luck with what I would like to do, but I figure it can hurt to ask, so here goes...

I recently compiled several ".exe" photo albums but would like to change some of the options (slide duration, transistions, etc. Unfortunately, I have since deleted the project files and I currently do not have access to the original source photos (they are stored on CD at the client's business).

Is there any way to load the ".exe" files in order to edit them? Or, is there any way to simply extract the images from within the ".exe" file?

Thanks for your help,



"Flat out of luck" does sound about right, unfortunately.

You'll need PTE and access to the source files (.pte file, images, sound file(s), etc.) to make changes to the shows. Once compiled to EXE form they aren't editable...



Wooo hoooo...

Thanks for the response, but it looks like found a creative workaround to my problem.

Here's what I ended up doing:

I have a freeware screen capture utility on my system called Gadwin Printscreen 2.5 (www.gadwin.com). I set it to capture the full screen with no cursor at the highest quality ".jpg" setting. GPS is nice because you can point the output files to any diretory you want and the program will autoname them. All I did was view the ".exe" file and hit my printscreen key each time a new photo was displayed.

Now, on to recreating the slideshows...

See ya.


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