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New Member - First Question - Sound Files (Editing)

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Hi Everyone

I purchased P2E at the weekend and built my first slideshow. Wife was amazed at my first attempt (which must be a good sign, because she is normally hard to please and is not a big fan of computers !!!) and insisted I burnt the show to DVD (used Nero for that) to show her parents.

My fist show had one MP3 file as background music. What I want to do now is have two or three MP3 music tracks in the show, but only use 1 or 2 minutes from each ripped file from my music CD e.g play middle 90 seconds of first song fade into 2 mins from next song fade into 60 seconds of third song etc.

I expect that I will have to manipulate the MP3 tracks in a music editor befor adding the new files into P2E.

Can any member reccomend an MP3 / WAV file editor (open source / freeware preferred) that will do the trick. I was following a thread that mentioned Audacity, will that do the trick or are there any others out there?

Thanks in anticipation of your help. :D

Regards, Phil , Nottingham, UK

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welcome to the forum

there are quite a few members that use the free audacity, so you will quite likely get good advice if you run into problems


Thanks Ken, very impressive, my first two posts on this forum and you have replied to both. Thanks :D

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I use Audition v2 which is excellent but "over the top" if all you need is a basic sound editor for slideshows. Audacity is free and well-supported too. Try it and if you need help getting started contact me & I'll be glad to help you on your way.

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