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Crash Crash Crash


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Under Windows 2000, running P2E version 4.43, the screensaver crashes to a black screen about two thirds of the way through. File size is 36MB, picture count about 55.

Same on preview.

I put a LOT of work into this,

hate to see it wasted!

Thanks for any help you folks can offer!

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Welcome to the forum.

I don't know what is causing your crashing. If you have not already done so, I would try to identify what individual slide or music comes into play at the trouble point. Then in your Project file, exchange the suspect item with a different slide or song that is working elsewhere in your show. If that makes a difference, you can then focus on correcting the guilty party.

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Ok I figured it out.

(With a search on this forum for "crashes").

It appears that if you run a preview or "test" of a P2E screensaver there will be trouble when the regular opsystem enabled screensaver times on. If you disable your regular screensaver life is good.

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Ok I figured it out.

(With a search on this forum for "crashes").

It appears that if you run a preview or "test" of a P2E screensaver there will be trouble when the regular opsystem enabled screensaver times on. If you disable your regular screensaver life is good.


If your "Screensaver" turns on after 5~20 minutes or so, 'disable it' or push-back the 'switch-on' time to

allow your PTE Shows to run properly.

The same goes for any "Energy Saver Schemes" that may have been set-up on your PC, such as 'Stand-By'

or 'Close Monitor' or 'Shut-Down Hard Drive' after xxxx minutes. All of these should be disabled or cancelled

or pushed-back to allow PTE to run without interference.


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