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I am a complete novice regarding slideshows and have just purchased PTE.

Guidance would be appreciated regarding the file size of images to be included in a slideshow. Having looked at a couple of examples I would like to make a 20 image project.

I use a Canon D30 in RAW mode. I convert the RAW images into JPEG using BreezeBrowser and then, in Photoshop 7, I "Save For Web" to reduce each image's size. I make the images 800x600 @ 72dpi.

Each image size is reduced to about 30K (compressed) and 1.2M when open in PS7.

When I run the slideshow the image quality is nowhere near as good as those in the samples that I mentioned earlier. Could someone please give me an idea of the best practice to overcome this problem?

Also, I would like to create icons to for my slideshows but I don't know where to start. Again, guidance would be appreciated.

I make the images 800x600 @ 72dpi.Each image size is reduced to about 30K

Waooooo !!!!

With a D30 !!!!!!! 30 ko for 800x600 !!! I believe to dream !!!!

You must use a compression ration of 1:3 max.

For me 1:5 is perfect with the very good monitors.


As others on the forum would agree file sizes of about 100 to 150Kb are ideal in terms of quality of speed of operation. Try to aim for that and see if your are happy with the quality


Mersea Island


A file .raw is very precise in detail and an a digital image little more voluminous.

800x600 give at the compressed ratio 1:3 180ko; at 1:5, 300ko

More there is of information in the photography, less hardly will be necessary be the compression ratio.

  Lloegyr said:
As others on the forum would agree file sizes of about 100 to 150Kb are ideal in terms of quality of speed of operation.

I agree with Mike.

I make my PTE images 800Wx600H or 400Wx600H, saving them as jpg's in Photoshop with a quality 5.

That seems to give me nice smooth fades.


I recenlty started to use .bmp and I rediscovered my photos.

I lived for years with badly compressed jpgs and just could not understand why they looked so jagged and colorless. :)

I suppose I will have to go back to jpg one day, but I try to avoid it as long as the slideshow fit on a CD... And yes, my bmp weight an average of 1.3 Mb each at 800x600 @ 72 dpi.


Oui Michel

Compression does that, that is what it is about, but a show over the internet is about sharing and presentation, and to give others the joy of your own feeling. In all my shows the original pictures are of far better quality, and I would print them in better quality. BUT I would much prefer lots of people to see the idea, yes the idea, and share rather than worry too much about the the quality which can never never be as good as you have it on your system.


Mersea Island


Yes Michel, you make a very good point. Each of us, as user of PTE need to remember what our purpose is for any presentation. I wanted to make a quick presentation today to send a fun message to a friend. Then it started to "grow" because PTE offers so many possibilities. I could have ended up making a project with hours of work. But I realized, for the purpose of the moment, a simple, quickly done show would be enough. I did not have to try to compete my photos against gallery product.


Yes Lumenlux

that is the point and it is all about communication, flash or funny, simple or complex, lets just cummunicate, as you said about my fields of fire weeks ago.


Mersea Island


With a video projector, the image's size is x 10 !

In France, we use video projectors. The quality must be perfect.

But for a small fast presentation, one can be satisfied with less.

In fact we do not speak about the same thing.



Yes indeed with a video projector it is an entirely different matter and one does need the best possible quality.


Mersea Island


In France, many members of "photo-clubs" begin to make the shows with PTE and use a video projector on a large screen.

Thus we get used to preserving a good quality of image.

But I repeat it for a small presentation, we are less considering.

It is a choice.

With a very good monitor and a nice show, the best quality has to be imperative.

Because it's not of sublime without perfection.


Thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond.

I have just created a slide show (without music) using 17 images. The final project size is 2.4MB and takes 9 minutes to download. Is this about right?




I must admit I have not followed all the discussion above re compression quality etc etc, as I have been very pleased with my quality of image at 800x600 jpg quality 5 from PhotoShop.

Your 17 image, 2.4mb, 9 minute to download show sounds WAY out of line and not normal at all.

I believe that there have been other threads in this forum that would agree.

Are you using fades for transition and what duration time for the fade ?


from The Oldie,

I had cause to ask this very question regarding file size to run PTE smoothly and get good quality projection. It seems that the consensus in UK among the best of AV workers is a file size between approximately 200 to 500 kb, which is ample to produce excellent results and allow smooth transitions etc.

Hope this helps,

Regards to all the good folks on the forum

Alan in UK


Alan: (from one oldie to another) :)

Are you getting a nice smooth fade in "short" transitions such as 1-2 seconds with files that size ??

What image size (pixel dimensions are using)

What are the typical computer specs ?

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