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E.U. Website Registration


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E.U Website Registration

For those of you who operate/run your own Websites and wish to preserve the "unique identity" of that Site through-out the European Union (E.C) without the incumberance of those who would like to use your Site-Name be advised as of 7th April 2006 the 'Directory of European Domain Names' is now open for Registration Enteries.

If you have www.joeblogs.com or at .net etc or any other .dot, then the same name could become www.joeblogs.eu without any further reference to you simply because the European Registration is on a "First come First served" basis just like .com and .net registrations.

The European Registrar of Domain Names is at: http://www.eurid.eu

Hope this may be of 'fore-warned' assistance...


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Hello Brian,

Now what is this all about? Do people like me, with .co.uk addresses, need to register? The whole process looks rather daunting when you visit the websites shown as links.


Hi Ron,

You asked 2 questions:- About RAR Files (off list) ~and~ EU Registration

RAR Files

Ronnie you really need to read up on RAR Files as the subject is 'complex in comparison terms' and very much an individual's choice as to adopting it's usage. It simply can't be discussed here nor 'off Forum' ~ it's too big a subject..

RAR Overview

Much slower to compress Files ~ does so more accurately than WinZip ~ virtually 'lossless' compression ~ used by the Music Industry ~ available as Shareware and Open-Source Freeware.

Full details and data from: www.answers.com Simply type in RAR Files.

E.U Registration

It's up to the Individual or Company as to whether its worth it in terms of loss should another decide to register your Web Site name as www.XXX.eu Things like .co.uk and .ie and.de are purely National Registrations NOT Worldwide such as .com and .net and .org

Example:- When I registered www.Fototrax.com within 3 hours somebody in Poland had registered www.Fototrax.net ~ Thank goodness this time around www.Fototrax.eu is registered and that put's an end to such "plagiarism".

One must appreciate that the E.U is now a Worldwide Economic entity comprising of 27 Countries (and growing) and it is up to the individual to weigh-up the losses if not registered.

Costs €15 ~ €25. I use the following Registration Agent:- www.eu-domain.bz (There are many)

In my opinion there are many people on the Forum who would suffer loss if such 'duplication' should happen.

I hope this answers your questions...


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