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I apologise if this has been answered directly before, but did not quite see this slant...

I'm very happy with snchronising slides to audio in the timeline (audio recording/editing is my major interest, and PTE's sync capability is a breath of fresh air after strugging for years with PowerPoint).

Some of my slideshows are narrated, and viewers may wish to skip any number of slides to get to the part they want.

As far as I can see, the navigation bar (which I always wish to use) does not work for a sync'd show. Is this correct? If not, how do I use it; and if so, is it in the list for the new version?

Would it also be possible to (optionally) override transitions when using the "skip slide" navigation button, for speed of access.

Once again sorry if I've misunderstood something.


Alan Hames


Greetings Alan - you make an easy request - try this:

Project options/Main, To the right of Custom Synchronization - try checking the box that reads: Permit the control of show.

PTE works very well with pausing/starting, and forward/backward, using the navigation bar even in an auto-synched show.

Let us know if the above suggestions don't solve it for you.


Hi Alan

Just to add to Lumenlux post in regards to " Permit the control of show "

On any given slide you could “ Pause “ in “ Object Editor " add a “ Button “ link - with properties “ Go to slide # “

Then on the chosen slide have another “ Button “ with “ Go to slide # “ returning the viewer to the previous slide they were last on.

It has been awhile since I last did something like your request.

If my memory is correct I left the last slide of show ( example slide 50 ) on screen for a long duration ( 10 minutes ) with an “ Exit to Windows “ button

Slides #51 - #52 etc. was my information slides.

I believe in the new ver. 5 – Igor made a comment about a new improved navigation bar.



I had never twigged what "permit control of show" meant before. Now I know - and it works a treat!


Had not experimented with GOTO buttons to date, but will now - that's a much more focused way of doing what I was trying to do.

Thank you both for your prompt replies and solutions to my problem.

You can tell a good product from the quality of its user forum :).



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