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Happy Customer Experience


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I just thought it would do no harm to publicly record another “happy customer experience”.

However, firstly, as a relatively recent newcomer to the world of AV and in particular P2E, it may be of interest to any person considering “joining the club” that they should have no fears but rather take the bull by the horns and go for it!

I was extremely sceptical a few months ago when I started. I could not see how something so inexpensive could provide so much value. How wrong I was. Not having had the benefit of membership of an AV club from which I could glean information and reassurance I posted an enquiry on this forum (in my usual diplomatic manner!) which generated a mixed reaction ranging from, basically, “suck it and see” to genuine encouragement.

I have now made several different enquiries on this forum all of which have been answered swiftly and accurately to my total satisfaction and amazement.

The Forum search facility has proven invaluable, as have the various members’ sites. The time and effort that some people put into this subject is phenomenal. OK, some may initially appear to be “anoraks” but who cares – living where I do I seldom have one (anorak) off my back for nine months of the year! The more perceptive will have guessed by now that I am a graduate of a somewhat unsuccessful school of diplomacy.

I have been dabbling with all sorts of software for many years and have invested in many glossy instruction tomes but this is the first product where the manual has been and is continually being written by the users – and all the better it is for that.

I almost forgot in my enthusiasm to relate my most recent “happy customer experience”. It was quite simply that, because of my own stupidity and carelessness I had lost my Registration Key. I needed this so that I could run a second copy of P2E on my laptop for use while away from my desktop. Now, I thought that I (a tight fisted Scotsman) would have to purchase a second licence and was prepared to do so. However a posting to the Forum and an e-mail to WinSoft and low and behold a new Registration Key arrives by return. What is more this entitles me to all future updates of a truly remarkable programme.

Thanks to everyone wherever you are.

John Barnett

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Hello John and welcome to our forum.

I am quite sure that you will find all that you need with the PTE program and you will be amazed when the next version is released. (version 5). Please let us see some of the work that you produce soon. Good luck!

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