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I want to add an ini file to autostart my CD's and I thought that I knew how to do it. However, I must be doing something wrong because no matter how I try, my CD's wioll just not start.

Here's what I did:-

a. I created a one page menu show and added buttons using the PTE Object Editor. Each button was configured to run an individual show. I then saved this as a PTE .exe show called menu.exe

b. I created a new folder into which I copied the shows configured in the above menu.

c. I created the autorun ini, i.e. [autorun]


d. I burned a CD and included the following:- The autorun ini, the folder containing the shows and the menu.exe file.

It did not work!!!!


Also, does anyone know where I can get a simple autorun creator (I already have the one from Boxig's site)



Save as a autorun.inf - not ini



b. I created a new folder into which I copied the shows configured in the above menu.

Think you might best just to add " all " to root of CD



I did save as inf (made wrong statement in previous post)

I have tried adding all the shows, autorun, and the menu show to root of CD - still did not work.


Thanks Ralph/Ken for your guidance. It seems that I have got it right now. However, one thing that I have noticed is that the 'autorun' will not work on the same computer that created it. I think that this might be because I had to change all the 'links' in PTE Object Editor to remove any reference to the disc drive.

e.g. D:\myshow.exe needed to be changed to myshow.exe.

Anyway, it all works fine now when I play the CD on another computer.


Update on Monday 24th April 2006

Thanks to 'the Hawk' (Ralph) I have now realised that I did not have the 'autorun' enabled on my computer. I have now sorted this out and my Autorun CD's are now running fine. Silly me! It is always the most obvious things that we mis eh!


I want to add an ini file to autostart my CD's and I thought that I knew how to do it. However, I must be doing something wrong because no matter how I try, my CD's wioll just not start.

Here's what I did:-

a. I created a one page menu show and added buttons using the PTE Object Editor. Each button was configured to run an individual show. I then saved this as a PTE .exe show called menu.exe

b. I created a new folder into which I copied the shows configured in the above menu.

c. I created the autorun ini, i.e. [autorun]


d. I burned a CD and included the following:- The autorun ini, the folder containing the shows and the menu.exe file.

It did not work!!!!


Also, does anyone know where I can get a simple autorun creator (I already have the one from Boxig's site)

OK I am trying to do a similiar thing but have not even managed to find out how to do the one page menu show from which to launch my slide shows. What I want to do is to be able to start a slide show without it starting at P to E and having all the operating tools showing. Basically click the icon and away it goes. Help any ideas !!!!


Laura Anne,

You have to "compile" the completed one-page show to convert it to an ".exe" file by selecting "Create slideshow as" in the file menu, and giving it a name such as "MyIntro.exe". You have to do the same with the main show you want to start from the Intro show. So, you will have two "exe" files, one accessed from the other.


Laura Anne

The method which I think you may be after has been covered in previous threads and examples, so make a search for Intro Demo for a start. Also you may care to download my "Introdemo" from the Beechbrook site which was uploaded there a couple of years ago and thanks to Bill is still there.

I always use an introductory sequence for all my shows with variations of the "platform" from which I launch the individual sequences. Examples included a page from a travel brochure, a click on a particular day in the itinerary launched the relevant sequence; and a click on a portrait of a camera club member launched their sequence. This involves the use of "invisible" buttons which you will find explained in the threads I have suggested above or you could search for just "Buttons".

Ron [uK]


There have been many threads discussing the topic of 'One page menu shows' but still people seem to have trouble making them. I use a very simple front page created with Photoshop and PTE Object editor. I intend to make a video tutorial on how to do this, so keep watching the tutorial page of my website for details.

My Webpage




You wrote:

[Thanks to 'the Hawk' (Ralph) I have now realised that I did not have the 'autorun' enabled on my computer. I have now sorted this out and my Autorun CD's are now running fine. Silly me! It is always the most obvious things that we mis eh!


How do you get 'autorun' enabled on your computer?





If you go to the 'Conflow' Postings you will find accurate instructions as how to 'Check' that Autorun

is enabled on your PC.

Topic:- CD Autorun Utility (started by Conflow) you need to scroll down and find the Instructions.




"If you go to the 'Conflow' Postings you will find accurate instructions as how to 'Check' that Autorun

is enabled on your PC.

Topic:- CD Autorun Utility (started by Conflow) you need to scroll down and find the Instructions.


Found it!

Many thanks


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