Conflow Posted April 23, 2006 Report Posted April 23, 2006 Hi All,Have just been reading the Post on the topic "CD Autorun etc".....I note that Ronnie can now make an 'Autrun File' and 'Autorun CD' but it fails to operate on his personal PCbut will operate on other PC's ~ something wrong here ?Anyway,some of you might like to try this 'Free Utility' from CD Assistant.Above is a 'Screen-Shot' of the Program and a Link to it. Web-Site also has a list of other Auto-Run Utilities including "Autorun-Powerpoint"Brian.Conflow. Quote
bharkins Posted April 24, 2006 Report Posted April 24, 2006 This utility looks good, but where do I find an icon to make an autorun CD?Bill Quote
alrobin Posted April 24, 2006 Report Posted April 24, 2006 Bill,You don't need to use an icon in order to make your CD auto-starting.However, if you want to use one, you can convert an image to an icon in Photoshop (provided you have an icon plugin), or convert a resized image to an icon in IrfanView.There is also special software that allows you to draw your own icons (e.g. IconBuilder, IconEdit, etc.). Other programs let you "borrow" the icons used by other programs. Do a Google search and you will find many different programs, some of which are free. Quote
Conflow Posted April 24, 2006 Author Report Posted April 24, 2006 bharkins said: This utility looks good, but where do I find an icon to make an autorun CD?BillHi Bill and Al,Bill,Bill the 'Autorun Assistant Program' has 15 Icons inside its 'Icon Folder' which you can select and use. You can also use the' PTE Slideshow Icon' - the little 'Blue Box which is generated when you make a Pte.exe.Al,I do appreciate that you can make your own Autorun and Icon, but as you are aware it only takes 'one slip'in the written syntax and it won't work.Then there are problems with (odd-ball) Text Fonts which many PCssimply won't recognise and the CD won't Autorun. Then other PCs won't verify the Autorun Process once thecontaining Folder is open and in use, example:- Ronnies' recent problem.Benefit'sThe beauty of this little 'Autorun CD Assistant Program' is that it verifies the operational integrity of the CD Autorun process before you Burn it to Disc, so you save yourself the costs and loss of a valuable PTE.ExeProgram Disc which won't Autorun.Furthermore its a 'nifty' little Utility for those who don't want the bother of writing an Autorun.inf and Dat.File.AdditionalOOps ! ~ I forgot to add, that this little Utility will also Autorun a 'stored' Web Page from the burnt CD-Disc, thats very useful for those who have a Web Site and want it as part of their PTE Presentation.Hope this explains all...Brian.Conflow. Quote
alrobin Posted April 24, 2006 Report Posted April 24, 2006 Conflow said: Al,I do appreciate that you can make your own Autorun and Icon, but as you are aware it only takes 'one slip'in the written syntax and it won't work.Then there are problems with (odd-ball) Text Fonts which many PCssimply won't recognise and the CD won't Autorun. Then other PCs won't verify the Autorun Process once thecontaining Folder is open and in use, example:- Ronnies' recent problem.Brian,I'm sure Bill will appreciate your helpful information, but the question to which I was replying was Quote ... where do I find an icon ... ? I would never suggest that one make their own autostart file. By the way, why don't you steer Bill toward RJL like you did me some many months ago? I'm still using their autostart utility, and it works just fine, even under Win XP. Quote
Ronniebootwest Posted April 24, 2006 Report Posted April 24, 2006 Al,Please clarify what 'RJL' means - is this another utility that we can use?I am using 'AutorunMaker' from Granot and I find it very simple and easy to use. Download it Here: Quote
Conflow Posted April 24, 2006 Author Report Posted April 24, 2006 alrobin said: Brian,I'm sure Bill will appreciate your helpful information, but the question to which I was replying was I would never suggest that one make their own autostart file. By the way, why don't you steer Bill toward RJL like you did me some many months ago? I'm still using their autostart utility, and it works just fine, even under Win XP. Hi Al,I appreciate that, what I was trying to differentiate was:- The ability of those who can make a "Working Icon and Autorun.Inf" and those who find it very extremely difficult to do so and would prefer to avoid that exercise at all costs.'Autorun CD-Assistant' has 15 ready-made Icons in it's Icon Folder which one can use immediately. 'Autorun CD-Assistant' is sheer simplicity for the 1st Time User with its 'self-check' ability coupled with its 'Self-Instruction Interface' and it works.The 'RJL Autorun Utility' is also featured on the Web-Link I Posted (List on RH.Side) it's more advanced than the simple '5 Step Utility' of Autorun CD-Assistant.I don't want to get into comparisons here, that's why I recommended 'Autorun CD-Assistant' for the 1st.Time user, its so simple ~Brian.Conflow. Quote
alrobin Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 Ronniebootwest said: Al,Please clarify what 'RJL' means - is this another utility that we can use?Yes, it's one I have been using ever since Brian turned me on to it, and have been quite happy with it.It can be found HERE . Quote
bharkins Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 I tried the autorun utility, but it didn't work for me. I have one of the .ico file from the utility, the autorun.inf file and then the PTE exe file. When I install the CD nothing happens. The exe file runs fine it I go to Start/Run and click on the exe file as I have done for all the PTE files that I have copied to CD. I have tried many ways of getting an autorun to run, but no luck. What information is the CD missing to make it run automatically? I also don't understand what the purpose of the icon file is.Bill Quote
alrobin Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 Bill,I've never used an icon in conjunction with an autorun CD. It's just there so you can control the graphic you see in "My Computer" or "Explorer" when you insert the CD.With the RJL utility you have to be sure to collect all files destined for the CD into a single folder before you run the utility. Then be sure to copy all of the files which end up in that folder, including the files created by the utility, onto the root of the CD. In my case, there are four files: "autorun.dat", "autorun.exe", "autorun.inf", and "MySlideShow.exe". Hope this helps. Quote
Conflow Posted April 25, 2006 Author Report Posted April 25, 2006 alrobin said: Bill,I've never used an icon in conjunction with an autorun CD. It's just there so you can control the graphic you see in "My Computer" or "Explorer" when you insert the CD.With the RJL utility you have to be sure to collect all files destined for the CD into a single folder before you run the utility. Then be sure to copy all of the files which end up in that folder, including the files created by the utility, onto the root of the CD. In my case, there are four files: "autorun.dat", "autorun.exe", "autorun.inf", and "MySlideShow.exe". Hope this helps.Bill and AlJust a possibility....The other 'Autorun Topic' running parallel to this thread may just have the 'Answer' as to why your 'New Autorun Utility' is not working,viz:-(1) Questions to Bill:-What 'Autorun Utility' did you download, please let me know as these utilities are virtually 'bomb-proof' ?(2) Question to Bill:-(Prompted by the other thread on this subject)Have you got the CD.Autorun ~ CD.Autoplay actually 'switched-on' within your PC ?(3) If unsure,do as follows:-Select:- START Button-->Settings-->Control Panel-->Find 'System'-->Double.Clk-it-->Choose-->Hardware Tab and then-->Device Manager-->when Screen opens-->find DVD/CD Drives, now Clk the little + Button and select the 'offending Drive'-->Rh.Clk on it and select Properties 'General Tab' and at the end of that Screen within the Strip Window make sure that 'Device Usage' is enabled with a 'Tick' within that Window. (apply,O.K etc,etc) and close all Windows and Restart the PC. (Print this out as a Memo)That 'fixes' the switched-off problem, should the CD-Autorun be switched off by Software within the PC.Brian.Conflow. Quote
bharkins Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 I don't think I am destined to create an autorun CD! To review the previous suggestions: 1. The CD/DVD player has always been enabled in Device Manager. I don't have a problem with the device, just the autorun files on the CD. I don't see anything in the CD/DVD properties about turning Autorun on or off.2. I notice that Al shows 2 other files in addition to the PTE.exe file: "autorun.dat", "autorun.exe", "autorun.inf", and "MySlideShow.exe". In running the Autorun CD Assistant, it did not create a .dat or .exe file, just the .inf and the .ico.3. I then downloaded and tried the RJL utility. The files that created were: autorun.dat, autorun.exe and the PTE .exe file. Once I "test" the autorun project and the green light goes on, I don't get a warm fuzzy feeliing about what to do next to get the files to a CD. So I did my usual copying througn Explorer to a blank CD, then run the Wizard to write the files to CD. That occurs, the files show as on the CD but no autorun when inserting the CD. My question is: other than the PTE exe file, what are the required files to create an autorun CD???Bill Quote
Ken Cox Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 turning Autorun on or off.see Quote
alrobin Posted April 26, 2006 Report Posted April 26, 2006 bharkins said: My question is: other than the PTE exe file, what are the required files to create an autorun CD???Depends on which utility you use, as you found out when you tried the RJL version. With the latter you need the four files I mentioned in my previous post. To put the files on a CD, you simply copy the filenames into your CD-burning program the same way as if you were burning a regular data disk. If you create your own "autorun.inf" text file, without using a utility, then you just need the ".inf" file plus the pte file you want to start up. However, as you are finding out, this does not always work the way you want it to. Whatever system you use, make sure you try out your test cd's on different pc's (laptops, desktop, friends, etc.) as the problem may just be with your own system.Other than this, I am at a loss to make other suggestions, as it sounds like burning the files onto a CD is not a problem. Quote
Conflow Posted April 26, 2006 Author Report Posted April 26, 2006 bharkins said: I don't think I am destined to create an autorun CD! To review the previous suggestions: 1. The CD/DVD player has always been enabled in Device Manager. I don't have a problem with the device, just the autorun files on the CD. I don't see anything in the CD/DVD properties about turning Autorun on or off.2. I notice that Al shows 2 other files in addition to the PTE.exe file: "autorun.dat", "autorun.exe", "autorun.inf", and "MySlideShow.exe". In running the Autorun CD Assistant, it did not create a .dat or .exe file, just the .inf and the .ico.3. I then downloaded and tried the RJL utility. The files that created were: autorun.dat, autorun.exe and the PTE .exe file. Once I "test" the autorun project and the green light goes on, I don't get a warm fuzzy feeliing about what to do next to get the files to a CD. So I did my usual copying througn Explorer to a blank CD, then run the Wizard to write the files to CD. That occurs, the files show as on the CD but no autorun when inserting the CD. My question is: other than the PTE exe file, what are the required files to create an autorun CD???BillBillBoth Al, Ken and I are trying to help you, but you seem to be 'jumping' from Billy to Jack and tieing yourself up in knots ~ Firstly every 'Autorun Program' has its own configuration, some simple, some complex depending on what they have to do. I don't recommend you use RJL, its not for you at this point in time !Most Music CD's 'kick-start' themselves through the Windows Media Player or through the (inbuilt) CD Player which came packaged with your Operating System. That's no guarantee that a 'CD-Data Disc' like a PTE.Show is going to 'auto-start' ~ so I ask again is the CD-Rom Autostart actually 'enabled' on your PC ?Lets get simple with this ~ but to do this I need to ask other questions AND get answers:-1)Are you using CD Autorun Assistant ~ please, yes or no ~ it was recommended to you ?2)Please give me a Folder Name where you are 'parking' all the components of your PTE.Show ?3)Please 'List' ALL the components within that Named Folder ?4)Where is this Named Folder located ? ~ is it within another Folder, try be very accurate about this.5)What 'Burner Software' are you using ?6)How are you getting ALL the Named Folder contents into the 'Burner Software Loading Window'Please be very 'specific' with your answer. If we can get accurate answers to these questions then we are half-way Home and we can help you.If you would like to contact me "Off-Forum" please send me an EMail. Press the "PM Button" lower left sideof this Window and script your EMail & Send.Brian.Conflow Quote
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