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I haven't been using this program for very long and have much to learn. I did a search on this question but didn't come up with much. I apologize if this topic has already been discussed to death and I just didn't find it.

I'd like to put two shows on one CD and have a menu page where the client can choose which show they want to see.

I'd like to have one show that would be sync'd to music and run uninterrupted. The other show would be the same images but NOT sync'd to music so the client can stop the show and view the images individually/manually if they so choose.

Is this possible? How?




Hi Larry,

You can do this by making a separate sub exes for each of the shows, and then let the user call either one from a third "main" exe. You can design both sub exes to give the user the option of looping back to main exe or exiting the show.

Igor has indicated that he will enable objects on the last page of th exe with synching, so that will enhance the loping and music transitions. As Igor indicated "I think that we will able to make possible usage of objects in the synch. mode in the nearest next versions. I also very want to see this capability."

You can take a look at the following where I discussed this:


Also you can see my logic scheme at the following site where I created 3 separate sub shows, and a further 5 sub-sub shows:


I think you can do it without too much difficulty.




Welcome Larry ,

You can also use PTE to make your Startup Menu ! Using the beauty of "Button Objects" within PTEs programing

Create a separate exe project and make your own menu using "Button Objects" desiginated to the CD path of your 2 Shows ( and many more shows if you so desire) ... add pictures ...add music ... use it as a introduction. A little creativity here can produce great results as your launching menu. Make your MENU manually controlled though ... use no SYNC settings or otherwise you wont have mouse interactions with the menu and its buttons.

Just use Path "\" ... so your files and folders remain relative to the root of any CD Rom drive . Dont use any "Drive" name labels in this path info.

Create a Autorun.inf ... and your Good To Go !

Also if you require any needed guidance in making your desiginated paths and some other basic tips relative to CD use ... try my "BASIC TIPS GUIDE #1" at the Beechbrook Cottage site. The Guide itself is made " button menu style" in PTE itself. You will also find many numerous user made PTE Shows and utilities to give you ideas of what others create at this great site provided by a PTE member ( Bill)

Beechbrook Cottage Site:



Thanks for all the replies and suggestions.

I actually figured out a way to do it since posting the question. I basically did what Jim suggested and made sub exe's and then created hyperlinks to those files on a generic "menu" screen I made in Photoshop. It worked.

One problem I ran across was when making the three shows I had to close PTE and re-open the program each time before I could make the next project/show/exe file. That was a PITA! I tried clearing all the files out of the project and then putting them back in then change all my preferences for the next show (no music etc.). When I would try to "create" the next show it would assume I was working on the same show and write over the previous file. Is there an option to just "create new project" without having to exit the program first? Something like "file>new project" or something? Maybe it's there and I just don't see it.




I made once a similar thing with the help of small utility. It has a window with 5 hot spots that do as follow:

1. Run show sync show.

2. Run only images show (no music).

3. Install 1

4. Install 2

5. Install the show as a screen saver.

(user can choose where to install)

The window has a backgroung picture which can be changed (by you).

If it sounds interesting to you or just like to see it, tell me where to send you.




of course you can't remember, I never published this utility. I made it for myself and offered it when saw this topic. I will make a quick Help file and send you now (to see what's all about) and later on send you the utility (have to check it first and make some adjustmets).



I know I've seen this discussed before, but do you think I could find it when I need it??

I created a one-slide menu with object buttons which launch sub-shows. All works fine.. but...

I'd like to have music on the menu slide, and then have it quit when the user clicks a button to go to one of the sub-shows. But...when trying to do so, the menu music continues even after the second show starts so that both play together... ugh!

I suppose I have to use the "Run Application and Exit" for my show button (which then closes the menu and starts the sub-show, yes) as opposed to "Run Application or Open File"

It's nice to have the menu stay up behind so that when the sub-show ends, it returns back to the Main Menu, but perhaps this is not possible? Anyone had success with using music on a Main Menu? How'd you do it?


Truelight - but especially Igor !

I have asked this feature a long time ago and many times:

Two actions on one click: "Go to slide No. and open application".

I don't remember the name of the topics but I gave some examples what we can do with this new feature. I never thought about music so here is another reason why we need this. While open the second show the first one goes to next slide which has no music. This next slide will have something like "back to Menu" which will bring us back to previous slide to open another show.

This brings to my mind some other improvements but I'm ashamed to ask, so just let you think about:

1. Open second show on slide No.....

2. Go to slide No. .... of running show (to move from one show to another when both are running).

But I guess my imagination is too wild.




Your imagination is not too wild. The features you mention can be very useful and very creative ... but ... in the right programers hands however.

If the user (programer) uses such a function wisely ... it can be very effective and useful in many presentations.

However, if the user (programer) is not using caution and wildly executes additional/ multiple running programs ... disaster will ultimately follow ... as they will soon find their PC out of resources, memory and possibly resulting lock-ups.

So a feature as this can be wonderfully creative :D and (un)wonderfully disaterous :) .

Plus using such a feature would require addtional functions not yet implemented within PTE as yet ... AlwaysOnTop ... NotAlwaysOnTop.

However, I personally would greatfully invite and entertain such programing features :)



Yes, you are 100% right !

I especially waiting for "Go to page No. and run application".

When we are going to see a new utility from you ?

I know you put a lot of work on graphics and design (not like me) and it takes a lot of time. I'm still very thankful to you for your support and help in my first steps.





I havent had much free time lately to develop anything new for my own personal programs ... as Ive been rather busy doing it for others. :o

However, with what free time Ive had ... Ive been able to do a few more enhancements for the "AutoPlayer". It now will reload/reopen itself afer playing a group of links directly to the Play Panel interface ... I call it Remote Play. I will upload it soon and explain the details then. :D

So in the meantime ... I guess I will try to dream up some useful new addition to use with PTE shows ... and start being creative again. :D

  • 3 years later...


There are some tutorials on my web site, one of them deals with making a 'One Page Menu' and there are also some other freebies.


  Ronniebootwest said:
There are some tutorials on my web site, one of them deals with making a 'One Page Menu' and there are also some other freebies.


This was a very old thread (from 2003) - it was resurrected because a spammer posted a message to it.

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