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One or two people have said my balloons are moving a bit fast in my slide show demo

To be honest they are probably right, but its only a demo.

However, I notice that the speed of the animation as seen in the objects and animation preview window is slower than what I actually get when the final animation appears in the finished exe slide show



Hello Barry,

Pretty slick with the balloons. The balloon speed was fine with me. Ran flawlessly on my XP system. A little jerky in a place or two on my W2K system.

I'm confident, with your creative genius, that you will be making some delightful shows with these expanded graphics tools.

Surprised that I'm the first to comment.





Barry I agree with Ken, "very slick" presentation and again showing a whole unique way to use the new features of PTE 5.0.

I was very impressed by the clarity of you images too.

I also have noticed that what you see in the Animations Window is not exactly what is produced in the final presentation.



They mean more fast linear speed or periodical accelerations in motion?

Visual editor displays exactly same picture as ready slide-show, because it's same code.

1) The only difference that Visual editor doesn't display transition effects between two slides - you always see one slide only.

2) And second moment - in Visual editor size of window usually smaller. Opposite in slide-show you watch picture on fullscreen.


Super slideshow!

Can we expect a tutorial to become available on exactly how to achieve this, when the 'end user 'version 5 is available? Hope so .....................

  ADB said:

I also have noticed that what you see in the Animations Window is not exactly what is produced in the final presentation.

Do you mean, in the annimations window, if you manually move the vertical arrow back and forth that the screen action is different that when the main PTE screen runs the action?

The problem I've noticed is: In the object window I have inserted keypoints and then previewed in main screen. Then when I return to the object window, the keypoints don't always show up on the line. I can slide the arrow, or push "play" and the actions will run, but I can not see the keypoints that are instructing them.


Keypoints displayed only when some one object is selected.

If no keypoints, but animation works, send me to int_support (at_) wnsoft.com source files of this project.



Try clicking on each of the "image" lines, in turn, under "Objects" at the bottom right-hand corner of the "Objects & animation" window. The keypoints should show for each image object as it is selected.

I have also noticed that it is possible to have an image as a sub-object of another image. (This is a very clever feature in the program, and should lead to all kinds of interesting uses of pan & zoom!)

I happened to put an image as a sub-image of a panning image, and wondered why the end-point had moved, but it was moving along with the image that was panning. :rolleyes:



I think I am a bit late replying here.

What I find is that the movement of the balloons is faster in the objects and animation window, than it is when the demo show is created.

It doesn't speed up, its just faster in the preview mode




I still can not see difference in speed. Both - EXE file/Fullscreen Preview and Preview in Visual editor have same speed.

I set 100% scale of view in Visual editor to see same picture and all works exactly equally.

Maybe it's visual illusion?

Or probably in Visual editor Preview is not enough smooth and it gives such effect.

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